
(Kiana) #1



Dar (to give): di, diste, dio, dimos, dieron
Ir/Ser (to go, to be): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
*Both have the same conjugation
Decir (to say): dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijeron

Noun-Adjective Agreement
Most Spanish nouns have a gender and a number. For example some verbs are
feminine and some are masculine. There is no real reason why, it is something
you have to memorize. Most nouns that end in (o) will be masculine and those
that end in (a) are feminine. The noun and the adjective will need to agree in
number and gender. That is if the noun is masculine and plural the adjective will
be masculine and plural. For example:

Singular Plural
El hombre guapo Los hombres guapos
La chica bonita Las chicas bonitas

On the following tables start reading down the left two columns and work
your way back up to the top right and then back down the right two columns.

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