You can find a bus heading for Bogotá from anywhere in Colombia and South
America. International and domestic flights arrive from all over Colombia and
the world.
Travelers in Bogotá stay and visit within several different areas spread out over
the city. Travelers usually choose the more historic La Candelaria area or the
more modern North Bogotá. La Candelaria is found in El Centro section of
Bogotá. The following areas are listed from south to north starting with El
Centro. Bogotá's main tourism areas have been divided into the two main
sections of El Centro and North Bogotá.
El Centro contains the historic district of Bogotá also known as La Candelaria.
There are several other identified areas within El Centro. The El Centro section
of this book and the maps has been labeled with five different sections: La
Candelaria, Eje Ambiental, Las Nieves, Centro Internacional, and La Macarena.
La Candelaria
Travelers usually choose to stay in the La Candelaria area, in part because this is
where the majority of Bogotá's hostels can be found. It also holds the main
cultural attractions. It has a very energetic feel to it with many university
students and with lively streets. La Candelaria has a tough reputation, but its
danger can be greatly reduced when you use precautions.