Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1


Meditate,   meditate,   and keep    on  meditating  until   you’ve

learned to let go of all the things you fear to lose.

Take    the step.   Don’t   be  afraid. Follow  your    intuition,  wherever

it takes you.

You will    always  be  okay!   Money   and material    things  come    to

you when you dare to trust in life’s ability to take you exactly

where you need to go. When we live in fear we create tense

vibrations that keep the things we long for at a distance.

Worrying is praying for what we don’t want to happen. Focus on

what you want, not what you fear!

Do  no  harm—but    take    no  shit!

Ask the universe for what you want. If you don’t know what

you want in life, how are you ever going to create the life of your

dreams? Write down everything you want to create. Be detailed.

Take all the active steps you need to take. Ask for what you want

and keep your intentions loving and clear.

Explore the world   and soak    up  the wisdom  that    lies    in  every

lesson you learn along the way. Life is meant to be an adventure!

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