Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

Core, Balance, and Shoulder Work

Good core strength is important for the practice of yoga, as

well as for our well-being as a whole. Your abdominals support

your lower back, the spine, and the internal organs. If you

suffer from lower back pain, chances are you need to strengthen

the core to help support the lumbar area of the spine. Our core

is also where our sense of conl·dence lies, the base for how we

walk through life.

Ļe exercises in this chapter can be done as part of a full

yoga session or separately on their own. Ļink about engaging

the belly and pulling the lower ribs in toward the spine to

connect to the transverse abdominals.

Ļe neck and shoulders are where we tend to hold a lot of

stress and tension, and if you spend lots of time sitting in front

of the computer, these exercises will be great for you. You can

even do them at your desk at the office! Sit on the edge of a

chair, keeping your spine long and a yoga strap or a belt close

by to use if you need it.

I love that the things we do in our yoga practice truly help

us create better posture even off the yoga mat. “Draw the

shoulders down the back” or “Lengthen the spine,” common

yoga cues, work just as well when you’re stuck in traffic or

standing in line at the grocery store.

We need balance in all parts of our lives, and the yoga mat is

a great place to start cultivating that! Plant your feet l·rmly on

the ground so that you can grow tall without losing your

balance in life.

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