Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

7 When you’re ready, start extending both legs straight up toward the sky. Ground
down through the forearms, draw the ribs inward, engage the inner thighs, and work
on sending energy all the way to the tips of the toes. Lengthen the tailbone toward
the heels, activate your core, and breathe deeply.

8 Make your way down the same way you came up, one step at a time. Rest in
Child’s Pose with the arms stretched out in front of you for as many breaths as you
spent upside down.

If you’re unsure of where the exact center point of the crown of your head is, place the
base of your palm in between the eyebrows. Where the middle finger reaches the top
of the head is usually the very center! You can also try balancing a block or a book on
the top of your head while keeping your spine long. The place where the block stays in

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