Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

The only thing that matters is how much you love. In the end it doesn’t

matter what your body looks like, how successful your career is, how big
your house is, how advanced your yoga practice is, or what your bank
statement says.
Let me repeat this: The only thing that matters is how much you love.
Your purpose on this earth is to love. And love is a two-way street. We
give, we get. With love we will turn this crazy world around. With love,
we will turn war into peace. Judgment into acceptance. Evil into kindness.
You have the ability to change the world, and it all starts with the small
acts that make up a day in your life. e key to finding true everlasting
happiness lies in this. What you give, you get. To receive love we must
first learn how to give it away. To the people closest to us, to our family
and friends, and to people we don’t know. To acquaintances and people
you bump into on the bus. To the people you like and those you don’t. To
the earth we walk upon and all of the beautiful beings that walk alongside
us. And most of all, to ourselves. We must love ourselves in order to
receive love from others.
So are you happy to be here? Are you grateful? Or do you feel sadness
and regret? You may not feel powerful enough to single-handedly stop a
war or world hunger or the injustices that take place around us every day,
but you are responsible for your own space and you can change your own
vibration. It starts with you, with me, with us as individuals. If every single
person directed his or her awareness toward love and trust at this very
moment, what would be left to fix? We do not hurt other people if we feel
the infinite love present inside us. We are all connected. No matter where
you are from, what your beliefs are, or what you look like, we are all in this
We all breathe the same air. We are all made up of the same complex
combination of molecules. We all share the same big bold beating heart.
We’ve just forgotten it along the way. By giving more love, by becoming
compassionate and kind, by forgiving, and by seeing the light in each
person, you will start to remember, and from there you can single-

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