Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

handedly change the world. You can. You do you, and let me do me. We
can only do our best, and when it comes to love, doing our best is always
We are powerful beings. Sometimes we might feel as if we are the
victim of our environment, but the fact is, we create the world we live in.
The people we encounter on our path are not there by chance, but because
we brought them to our life. e experiences we have and the situations
we face are here because we each made it so. You are a powerful person
with the possibility to manifest anything you like, but most of us do this
unconsciously. Depending on what you focus your thoughts and energy
on, your situation will change for better or for worse. What does your life
look like right now? Are you at peace and content with where you are?
Are you manifesting a life of love? Or are you manifesting a life of fear? By
becoming aware of our thoughts and realizing the power we have over our
situation, we can start to manifest good instead of bad. Focus on what you
want to create instead of what you lack. It’s very logical: If you think
negative thoughts (I am not good enough/I don’t have enough/I am unhappy),
you will have a negative outlook on life and will thus attract more negative
experiences into your space. It’s a vicious cycle, and we all need to stop it
right away.

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