Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1


A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers
in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location
that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a
comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s
search function.


Adho Mukha Vrksasana, 136 –37
Agnistambhasana, 45
Ardha Matsyendrasana, 44
Ardha Navasana, 65

Bakasana, 139
Balasana, 99
Big Toe Pose, Reclining, 42
Boat Pose, 65
Bridge Pose, 96 , 97
Butterfly, 117

Camatkarasana, 96
Camel Pose, 97
Chaturanga Dandasana, 17 , 94
Child’s Pose, 99
Cobra Pose, 95
core exercise, eagle variation, 66
Corpse Pose, 34
Crow Pose, 139

Dog, Downward-Facing, 17 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 136 , 138
Dog, Upward-Facing, 17 , 95
Double Pigeon Pose, 45
Downward-Facing Dog, 17 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 136 , 138

Eagle Pose, seated, 68

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