Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

Eagle Pose, variation, 66
Eka Pada Galavasana, 135
Extended Big Toe Pose, 72 –73
Eye of the Needle, 43

Forearm Stand, 134
Flying Pigeon Pose, 135

Garudasana, seated, 68
Gomukhasana Arms, 69

Half Boat Pose, 65
Handstand, 136 –37
Handstand against the wall, 138
heart opener, supported, 98
Headstand, 132 –33
hip opener, 117

Legs, 90-Degree, 114
Legs-up-the-Wall Pose, 116
leg lifts, reclining, 64
leg stretch, reclining, 42

Navasana, 65
neck stretch, seated, 67

Open Legs, 116

Pigeon Pose, Double, 45
Pigeon Pose, Seated, 114
Pigeon Pose, Flying, 135
Pincha Mayurasana, 134
Plank Pose, 17 , 94

Salamba Sirsasana, 132 –33
Savasana, 34
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, 96
shoulder stretch, seated, 68
spinal twist, supine, 43
spinal twist, seated, 44
Sukhasana, 45
Sun Salutation A, 16 –18

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