Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

Sun Salutations—The Perfect Morning


Ļe Sun Salutation—in Sanskrit, Surya Namaskar—is a great

way to create heat and serves as one of the foundational

sequences of a yoga practice. You’ll l·nd it in many styles of

yoga, mainly in łow classes such as Ashtanga and Vinyasa

Flow. Take time to properly learn the poses (even if you’re a

seasoned practitioner) to ensure that you avoid injury and stay

healthy in your practice. Always keep the integrity of the pose

and learn proper alignment right away. Pay attention to what

the pose feels like in your body so you’ll know if you’re

overdoing something; back off or soften the pose when needed.

Depending on how much you are looking to sweat and łow on

your mat, do more or fewer Sun Salutations! If I’m short on

time I’ll roll out my mat and simply do ten Sun Salutations.

Ļis sequence has everything: chest expansion, forward folds,

core work, upper body strengthening, heart opening,

hamstring lengthening. When done properly, it’s a very well-

rounded aspect of your practice. And a great way to start the


“Begin  where   you are.    Use what    you have.
Do what you can.”
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