Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1


Don’t   keep    your    phone   in  the bedroom—get an  old-school

alarm clock if you need one. The first thing you do in the

morning should not include social media or e-mails!

Drink   hot water   with    lemon   when    you first   wake    up  to  cleanse

your system.

Practice    yoga    before  breakfast.  Everything  you do  counts!

Decide to do fifteen minutes of gentle stretching, some dynamic

Sun Salutations, or just a simple meditation. The important

thing is to give yourself time on the mat every day. If you have an

hour to spare, treat yourself to a full hour on the mat!

Decide  what    time    your    active  workday begins. Keep    away

from pointless scrolling during the first hours of the day. Read a

book. Make a beautiful breakfast. Spend time with your family.

If you allow your mornings to be sacred, it will set the tone for

the rest of your day.

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