Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1


Make    peace   with    your    past.   Come    to  terms   with    the

difficulties you’ve been through. It’s the only way to create a

peaceful life.

Forgiveness is  the key to  happiness.

The most important thing is not what happens to you in life

but how you choose to react to what’s happening. Life is not as

serious as your mind makes it out to be. Learn to create distance

between your perception of the world and what’s actually going

on in the present moment, instead of simply reacting blindly to

those things that come your way. Stay present and live in the


It  doesn’t matter  where   you come    from    or  what    you’ve

experienced in your past. Your happiness is in your hands! We

are not victims of our circumstances. We have the power to

change how we are feeling.

Life    happens for you—not to  you.

Think about what you are carrying with you from your past.

What patterns and behaviors have you picked up that maybe

don’t match the person you actually are deep down?

Tell    yourself:   I   will    not create  any more    drama   in  my  life.   Make

yourself the promise to live a good life!

Whom    do  you need    to  forgive?    Remember    that    you are the

only one suffering by clinging to the past. Forgive everyone for

everything for your own sake.

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