EUSA Year Magazine 2020-21

(eusaunisport) #1

the online participation through
Zoom attracted participants
from 19 different countries.

Mind Sports Championship

In consideration of the COVID-19
pandemic and its effect
on physical engagements,
FASU with support from
the Mind Sports Association
Uganda organised the very
first Africa University Mind
Sports Championship from
November 28-29, attracting
participants from 23 universities
representing 10 countries and
three zones of FASU. Egypt’s
Fawzey Adham emerged
victorious in the men’s event,
while Nabwire Zipporah from
Uganda was the overall winner
in the women’s competition. In
the final rankings of the team
event, University of Zimbabwe
received the gold medal in
the men’s competition while
Busitema University from
Uganda took the honours in the
women’s event.

IDUS Celebrations

The celebrations of the
International Day of University
Sports were highly successful
with many African countries
taking part. FISU president Mr
Oleg Matytsin congratulated
FASU for devising the best
way of celebrating university
sports during the lockdown.
This included a social media
challenge on the best university
sports moment, a lockdown
fitness challenge as well as
a celebration of the history of

Future Events
While the 10th edition of
the FASU Games, originally
scheduled for 2020 and still
taking place at Kenyetta
University, have been postponed
to 2022 because of the global
pandemic, the association is
looking forward to a number of
activities scheduled for 2021.
Strategic Dialogue will take
place at Kotebe University in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which
will be followed by the FASU
General Assembly taking place
at the same venue.

Action on the field kicks off
with the first FASU Soccer
Championship, taking place at
the University of Ghana in Accra,
which will also see widespread
IDUS activities taking place at
the same venue. In October,
Makerere University in Kampala,
Uganda will host the second
FASU Rugby Championship,
while the second FASU Tennis
Championship will take place
in the same month in Ethiopia.
A busy November sees Nairobi,
Kenya hosting the fourth FASU
3x3 Basketball Championships,
while Guinea will play host to
both the Elective Assembly
of Western Africa Zone and
the fifth FASU Cross Country
Championships. Rounding
off 2021 will be the second
edition of the FASU Badminton
Championships, taking place in
Tunisia in December.

for more information

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