CHAPTER 14 Bedstraws, Valerian and Scabious
Dicotyledonous flowering plants in the orders (and families) Rubiales (Rubi-
aceae, bedstraws) and Dipsacales (Caprifoliaceae, honeysuckles; Valeri-
anaceae, valerians; Dipsacaceae, teasels) are included in this chapter.
Galium odoratum (Linnaeus) Scopoli
Asperula odorata Linnaeus
Europe, Siberia, North Africa; introduced into North America
Bruising the fresh leaves ofGalium odoratum and applying them to wounds
and cuts was a very common practice of country people in seventeenth-
century England^1 and was recorded in use in Norfolk as late as 1911.^2 Other-
wise woodruff seems to have featured in folk medicine only as a tea made
from the dried leaves and drunk for feverish colds and lung infections—and
only in the Highlands, where that function was reflected in its name in
Galium palustre Linnaeus, in the broad sense
marsh bedstraw
Europe, western Asia, North Africa, North America
A plant of muddy streams known as gairgean (or geirgein) in either South
Uist or Eriskay of the Outer Hebrides, of which a preparation has been
applied there externally for dropsy, has been identified as Galium palustre.^4