Transplanting & Direct Seeding
Part 1 – 178 | Unit 1.4
- Demonstrate and discuss the pros/cons of the various direct-sowing techniques
a) Drills/sowing into furrows by hand
b) Push seeder: Demonstrate multiple types, if available
c) Broadcast sowing
- Irrigation
a) Objective: For small-seeded crops (e.g., lettuce, salad mix, carrots), maintain even
soil moisture until seed germination, when the oscillation between wet and dry can
be stretched gradually. Larger-seeded crops (e.g. peas, squash, seed potatoes) can
tolerate more of a wet-dry swing from the time they are planted; overwatering can
lead to rot.
b) Techniques and frequency used
i. Micro sprinklers
ii. Overhead sprinklers
iii. Dripline
iv. Discuss flow rates of each system in regards to frequency
- Thinning established stand
a) Stage of development: Discuss when to thin
b) Density: See Appendix 1, Field-Scale Transplanting Guide
- Questions and answers
Instructor’s Demonstration 1 Outline