
(Marcin) #1

Transplanting & Direct Seeding

Part 1 – 178 | Unit 1.4

  1. Demonstrate and discuss the pros/cons of the various direct-sowing techniques

a) Drills/sowing into furrows by hand

b) Push seeder: Demonstrate multiple types, if available

c) Broadcast sowing

  1. Irrigation

a) Objective: For small-seeded crops (e.g., lettuce, salad mix, carrots), maintain even
soil moisture until seed germination, when the oscillation between wet and dry can
be stretched gradually. Larger-seeded crops (e.g. peas, squash, seed potatoes) can
tolerate more of a wet-dry swing from the time they are planted; overwatering can
lead to rot.

b) Techniques and frequency used

i. Micro sprinklers

ii. Overhead sprinklers

iii. Dripline

iv. Discuss flow rates of each system in regards to frequency

  1. Thinning established stand

a) Stage of development: Discuss when to thin

b) Density: See Appendix 1, Field-Scale Transplanting Guide

  1. Questions and answers

Instructor’s Demonstration 1 Outline
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