
(Marcin) #1

and Practices

Introduction 205

Lecture 1: Irrigation Concepts and Terminology 207

Lecture 2: Irrigation Scheduling and Delivery Systems 209

Demonstration 1: Field-Scale Irrigation 217

Demonstration 2: Garden-Scale Irrigation 219

Hands-On Exercises 1–6 221

Assessment Questions and Key 227

Resources 229


  1. Evapotranspiration (ET) and the Factors 233
    that Affect ET Rates

  2. Overview of “Water Budget Approach” 235
    for Efficient Irrigation Management

  3. Soil Moisture Sensing Instruments 237
    Commonly Used for Irrigation Schedules

  4. Overview of Dry Farming on the Central 239
    California Coast

  5. Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater 243


  1. Water Cycling Terms 245

  2. Units of Water Measurement 247

  3. Calculating Distribution Uniformity 248


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