- a Permaculture Workshop INTRODUCTION: Considerations for Planning
- What is a Permaculture workshop?
- Who facilitates Permaculture workshops?
- Who attends Permaculture workshops?
- About women’s participation
- Permaculture Workshop INTRODUCTION: Designing an Effective
- Address and Introductions BEGINNING A WORKSHOP: Workshop Opening
- Presentation : Opening address and introductions
- Presentation : Introduction to sustainability
- Creative thinking : Forum on problems and solutions
- Creative thinking : Discussion about the “quality of life”
- Module No. 1: What is Permaculture?
- Presentation : What is Permaculture?
- Presentation: Permaculture ethics
- Creative thinking : Local ethics that support sustainability
- Presentation: Permaculture design principles
- Creative thinking : Permaculture principles brainstorm
- Module No. 2: Natural Patterns and Permaculture Design
- Presentation : Patterns in nature
- Field activity : Patterns observation and analysis walk
- Presentation : Planning and methods for design
- Field activity : Resources observation walk
- Presentation : Various ways to create maps
- Field activity : Making and using an A-frame
- Field activity : Methods for measuring and right angles
- Field activity : Creating a scaled map with elements
- Presentation : Introduction to Permaculture zones
- Creative thinking : Build a community zones model
- Presentation : Introduction to the village zone
- Creative thinking : Uses for community land
- Presentation : Pollution of water, soil, and living creatures
- Creative thinking : Create a list of pollutants
- Presentation : Waste management
- Creative thinking : Recycling and disposal of community waste
- Creative thinking : Community garbage math
- Module No. 3: Houses, Water, and Waste Management viii Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops
- Presentation : Houses and their environments
- Presentation : Sustainable and unsustainable building materials
- Creative thinking : List various building materials
- Creative thinking : Sustainable house design ideas
- Presentation : Healthy and practical kitchens
- Presentation : Water strategies
- Creative thinking : Managing and storing drinking water
- Field activity : Create a safe water storage system
- Field activity : Cleaning drinking water
- Presentation : About wastewater treatment systems
- Field activity : Create a biological wastewater filter
- Field activity : Build a compost shower
- Presentation : Types of composting toilets
- Creative thinking : Plan to eliminate stagnant water
- Creative thinking : Household waste disposal methods
- Field activity : Design a “Permaculture house”
- Module No. 4: Healthy Soil
- Presentation : Soil improvements
- Field activity : Simple method of testing soil
- Creative thinking : Identify nutrient deficiencies in soil
- Presentation : Mulching for soil improvement
- Creative thinking : Legumes and their uses
- Field activity : Mulching a garden bed
- Presentation : How to use legumes
- Field activity : Various methods of using legumes
- Presentation : About natural fertilizers
- Presentation : Various natural fertilizing techniques
- Creative thinking : List of natural fertilizers and uses
- Field activity : Make a quick compost heap
- Field activity : Make liquid fertilizer
- Field activity : Using liquid fertilizer
- Presentation : About worms for healthy soils
- Field activity : Make a worm farm
- Module No. 5: Seed Saving and Nurseries
- Presentation : How seeds are reproduced
- Presentation : Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
- Creative thinking : What are GMOs?
- Presentation : About seed saving
- Presentation : Different types of agricultural systems Table of Contents ix
- Creative thinking : Compare agricultural systems
- Creative thinking : How to save and store seed
- Field activity : Seed collection and storage
- Creative thinking : Design a community seed saving group
- Field activity : Test and document seed viability
- Presentation : Well-designed integrated nurseries
- Creative thinking : Ideal trees for a nursery
- Field activity : 3-D model of a well-designed nursery
- Field activity : Start a nursery
- Field activity : Make good quality potting soil
- Field activity : Making natural plant containers
- Field activity : Plant propagation techniques
- Module No. 6: Home and Community Gardens
- Presentation : Home gardens
- Presentation : Good nutrition
- Creative Thinking : Good Nutrition from a Garden
- Creative thinking : Design a food calendar
- Presentation : Food storage and preservation
- Creative thinking : Food storage and preservation ideas
- Creative thinking : Garden location and design
- Presentation : Garden maintenance
- Field activity : Creative gardens using natural patterns
- Presentation : Making use of space and time
- Presentation : Designing and building a garden system
- Field activity : Design a garden system (Garden Ex. 1)
- Field activity : Make raised garden beds (Garden Ex. 2)
- Field activity : Mulch the garden beds (Garden Ex. 3)
- Field activity : Plant a living fence (Garden Ex. 4)
- Field activity : Plant seedlings (Garden Ex. 5)
- Field activity : Create a small nursery (Garden Ex. 6)
- Field activity : Create a compost and mulch area (Garden Ex. 7)
- Field activity : Using compost, mulch and liquid compost (Garden Ex. 8)
- Field activity : Use water saving devices (Garden Ex. 9)
- Field activity : Make trellising (Garden Ex. 10)
- Field activity : Construct ponds (Garden Ex. 11)
- Field activity : Make swales/terraces (Garden Ex. 12)
- Field activity : Construct banana pits (Garden Ex. 13)
- Field activity : Make and use a chicken tractor (Garden Ex. 14)
- Field activity : Weed control for the garden (Garden Ex. 15)
- Field activity : Pest control for the garden (Garden Ex. 16)
- Module No. 7: Farming x Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops
- Presentation : About sustainable farming
- Creative thinking : Farming chemicals pollution and costs
- Presentation : Windbreaks for farming
- Creative thinking : Productive windbreak plants
- Field activity : Identify windbreak locations
- Presentation : Natural fertilizers for farms
- Presentation : Mulching for farms
- Presentation : Intercropping and integration on farms
- Creative thinking : Integrating productive farm systems
- Creative thinking : Design a crop rotation plan
- Field activity : Create productive terraces and swales
- Presentation : Weed control
- Field activity : Weed control
- Creative thinking : Make a 3-D model of a small farm
- Module No. 8: Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo
- Presentation : Community forests
- Presentation : Natural forests – The conservation zone
- Creative thinking : Consequences of forests destruction
- Presentation : Tree protection for crops and community forests
- Creative thinking : Forest management plan
- Presentation : Tree maintenance
- Field activity : Tree planting and maintenance
- Presentation : Swales with tree crops and forests
- Presentation : Designing and making productive swales
- Field activity : Design productive swales (Swale Ex. 1)
- Field activity : Prepare swales for planting (Swale Ex. 2)
- Field activity : Plant productive swales (Swale Ex. 3)
- Field activity : Visit forest and tree crop examples
- Creative thinking : Create a model of a community forest
- Presentation : Bamboo propagation and uses
- Presentation : Bamboo propagation
- Field activity : Propagate bamboo
- Creative thinking : Types of bamboo and their uses
- Presentation : Bamboo management
- Field activity : Bamboo clump management
- Presentation : Producing high quality bamboo poles
- Creative thinking : “From bamboo shoot to shop”
- Module No. 9: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Table of Contents xi
- Presentation : Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Presentation : Healthy soils reduce pests
- Presentation : Encouraging natural pest predators
- Creative thinking : Known local pest predators
- Field activity : Encouraging pest predators
- Presentation : Seed selection for IPM
- Creative thinking : Local open pollinated seeds
- Presentation : Crop and land management
- Presentation : Companion planting
- Creative thinking : Local companion planting chart
- Creative thinking : Make a list of local ‘guilds’
- Field activity : Create a plant guild
- Presentation : Pest prevention with baits and traps
- Creative thinking : Using pest baits and traps
- Field activity : Observation and hand control
- Presentation : Natural pesticides and fungicides
- Creative thinking : Local natural pesticides and fungicides
- Field activity : Make natural pest control sprays
- Field activity : Test natural pest control sprays
- Presentation : Chemical pesticides ‘costs chain’
- Creative thinking : Make a community IPM plan
- Module No. 10: Animal Systems
- Presentation : Animals and animal systems
- Creative thinking : Animal value added products
- Creative thinking : Animal needs
- Field activity : Construct an animal watering system
- Creative thinking : Animals cost and profit analysis
- Presentation : Systems for animal integration
- Field activity : Visit an integrated animal/agriculture system
- Presentation : Making integrated animal rotation systems
- Creative thinking : Design an animal rotation system (Animal Ex. 1)
- Field activity : Plan chicken/duck and vegetables (Animal Ex. 2)
- Field activity : Fences for chicken/duck and vegetables (Animal Ex. 3)
- Field activity : Integrate the chickens/ducks (Animal Ex. 4)
- Field activity : Plan goat/cow/buffalo and trees (Animal Ex. 5)
- Field activity : Fences and swales for goat/cow/buffalo (Animal Ex. 6)
- Field activity : Integrate the goat/cow/buffalo (Animal Ex. 7)
- Field activity : Build an animal tractor
- Creative thinking : Community animal management plan
- Module No. 11: Aquaculture xii Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops
- Presentation : Aquaculture and aquaculture systems
- Field activity : Assessing aquaculture systems
- Presentation : Preparing ponds
- Presentation : Raising different fish species together
- Creative thinking : Identify local aquaculture species
- Presentation : Aquaculture management
- Presentation : Integrating aquaculture with other systems
- Creative thinking : Design an aquaculture 3-D model
- Presentation : Create an aquaculture system
- Creative thinking : Design an aquaculture system (Aquaculture Ex. 1)
- Field activity : Pond construction (Aquaculture Ex. 2)
- Field activity : Pond preparation (Aquaculture Ex. 3)
- Field activity : Stocking and feeding fish (Aquaculture Ex. 4)
- Field activity : Aquaculture and other systems (Aquaculture Ex. 5)
- Module No. 12: Appropriate Technology
- Presentation : Appropriate technology
- Creative thinking : Local appropriate technologies
- Presentation : Appropriate technology ovens and stoves
- Field activity : Make a clay stove
- Field activity : Make a solar cooker
- Presentation : Food preservation and storage
- Creative thinking : Make a solar drier
- Field activity : Make a Coolgardie safe
- Presentation : Water pumps and water storage
- Creative thinking : Choose a water collection and storage method
- Presentation : Natural methods of generating electricity
- Field activity : Observe examples of natural energy
- Module No. 13: Cooperatives and Enterprise Development
- Presentation : Cooperatives and small enterprises
- Presentation : Cooperative or small enterprise tree
- Creative thinking : Products for cooperatives and small enterprises
- Creative thinking : Enterprise brainstorm
- Creative thinking : Resources and products analysis
- Presentation : Local trading systems and currencies