
(Nandana) #1
128 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Creative thinking : List of natural fertilizers and uses

Method : Group and workgroup brainstorms

Tools : Black/white board or large paper, markers

References : PC Book MOD 4 - Healthy Soil

Objective : Participants list types of natural fertilizers and how to use them

Step 1

Using something like the table below, the facilitator can ask the participants to identify
types of natural fertilizers (table 1.)

The answers listed below are only supplied as guidelines for the facilitator
should the participants need help or prompting for ideas and discussions.

Natural fertilizer What it is best for When/how to use

IMO4 (Indigenous Micro-
organism 4)

Fix soil structure, grow soil
worms, fix soil temperature,
media compost

Apply at the base of trees

Organic fertilizer N

Control yellowing, paleness
of all leaves and new growth,
helps plants grow well and
produce fruit or flower

1cc extract mixed with 1 liter water
and used as a spray

Organic fertilizer P/Ca Good fruit and bright color, fertilized leaf edges 1cc extract mixed with 1 liter water and used as a spray

Organic fertilizer K Leaves grow well, green color, plant growth is normal 1cc extract mixed with 1 liter water and used as a spray

Pest control Insects

1cc extract mixed with 1 liter water
and used as a spray (depends on
how strong the pest)
Table 1. Natural fertilizers Table 2. For what, how, and when to use the natural fertilizer

Step 2

Ask the participants to divide into smaller work groups (see the Resource Book) and have
each workgroup come up with lists of what those natural fertilizers could be used for and
when or how to use them.

Step 3

After each workgroup has noted their ideas ask them to present their ideas and integrate
them onto the chart (table 2.)




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