
(Nandana) #1
148 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Field activity : Seed collection and storage

Method : Field visit to collect seed, then prepare and store dried seeds

Tools : See preparations listed below

References : PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries

Objective : Participants practice and learn about collecting, preparing and
storing seeds


The facilitator will need to have available and/or identify the following:

  • Vegetables that are ready to pick seeds from - as different seeds require
    different methods, it is best of you have at least 2 or 3 different types. E.g.
    lettuce, tomatoes, and beans.

  • A drying area for the collected seed.

  • Old newspaper or other material to put the seeds on - Old wire mesh
    works well for large seeds.

  • Some seeds that are already dry but still require cleaning - Collect
    enough for 3 or 4 groups to work with.

  • Air tight storage containers.

  • Natural insect repellents for the storage containers.

  • Natural moisture absorbents for the storage containers.

  • Permanent markers for writing the contents of the various storage containers.

See PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries for more detailed information and
some specific examples of materials that can be used.

Running this exercise

Step 1

Collecting seeds
Visit the plants as a whole group and collect seeds. As the seeds are being collected,
discuss with the participants the different methods that are being used and the reasons
for using those methods.

Step 2

Preparing the seeds for storage
Take the seeds to the place where they will be dried and use the appropriate techniques
to prepare and dry the seeds. See PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries for
more detailed information.




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