
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 5: Seed Saving and Nurseries 153





Presentation : Well-designed integrated nurseries

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries

Objective : Participants learn how to design an integrated nursery

The facilitator can use the information from PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and

Nurseries and images – photos, illustrations, etc – to help explain the important

functions that a well-designed nursery provides.

Some important points to remember:

  • Planting, watering, and maintaining seedlings is easier because everything you
    need is in one place.

  • Provides protection from the hot sun, heavy rains, and strong winds.

  • Provides a controlled environment for young plants. Animals can be kept out,
    pests can be minimized and controlled, and water and fertilizer can be easily
    checked and applied.

  • Uses soil that allows for fast and strong root growth, good drainage and supplies
    enough nutrients.

The following aspects of nursery construction and management can be

discussed with the participants, asking for their input as much as possible:

  • Nursery design and construction.

  • Seedling boxes and containers.

  • Soil mixtures.

  • Planting seeds

  • Collecting young seedlings

  • Propagation techniques

  • Nursery maintenance:

    • Watering.

    • Fertilizing.

    • Transplanting.

    • Weed control.

    • Pest and disease control.

  • Hardening plants before planting.

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