
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 8: Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo 221





Presentation : Natural forests – The conservation zone

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo

Objective : Participants understand the importance of the conservation zone


Organize enough copies of this page from PC Book MOD 8 - Forests,
Tree Crops, and Bamboo so that each participant can have one,
including the image and text.

Running this exercise

  • Distribute the copies of the forested/un-forested page.

  • Give the participants time to read the text, then discuss what
    the picture and text means to them.

  • The facilitator can also use the following text for more ideas
    about stimulating a discussion about conservation zones.

The conservation zone is situated on the land surrounding the community forest. A
healthy community forest and conservation zone are the source of a healthy environment,

and these 2 zones have a cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship. This means that
if community forests and conservation zones are mistreated and damaged the health of
the environment and the health of the people will also be damaged.

The conservation zone is an extremely important community asset.

To preserve and increase the value of this important asset, communities should create
local policies and implementation plans to protect and regenerate their natural forests
and conservation zones.

Community awareness and education is the key. This should include practical awareness
and education programs (especially for children) about the impacts of deforestation to:

  • Community water sources.

  • Community land.

  • Community safety – Erosion, landslides, etc.

  • Balancing conservation and income needs.

Note: Forest conservation laws should be written and accepted by everyone
in the community.

Module 8: Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo 177

The importance of reforestation and tree crops
People have a strong and continuous connection to the land and forest. Forests provide food, wood, natural materials, medicines, fuel, homes for animals and birds, and a spirit connection
with ancestors or animals which lived there long ago. Areas that have forests need to be protected and carefully managed. These forests are the seed banks of the future.
We have many plants and animals which can only grow and live in our environment. This is because of climate, landscape, and the way the land was formed long ago. Preservation of
t h e s e s p e c i e s w i l l h e l p u s t o r e t a i n o u r c u l t u r e a n d h e r i t a g e. M a n y o f t h e s e p l a n t s a r e m e d i c i n a l , provide oil, and other useful products which can bring income in the future.
The first step is to protect and carefully manage the forests. The next is to reforest and restore natures balance. We must maintain a strong connection with nature. We need long
term solutions for keeping the environment and land healthy and strong for the future.
Many areas where forests have been removed are suffering from erosion and soil loss. It is d i f fi c u l t t o o b t a i n g o o d p r o d u c t i v i t y o n t h e s e l a n d s. I n f a c t , a g r i c u l t u r e p r a c t i c e s o n t h e s e l a n d s
can even create more erosion and new problems.
Re fore s t ation and tre e c r op s c an he lp s top e r o sion, re pair damage d land, while pr oviding fo o d, wood, oils, medicines, fibre, and many other products for income. These are all sustainable
Tree crops can also be integrated with animals and annual crops. Products and income from trees and forests are more secure because trees are less affected by bad weather conditions.
A well designed forest system will need little maintenance once it is established. Forests and trees will improve the health of the environment, not just on the land where they grow, but also
on the land surrounding it. Healthy environmental improvements in the mountains will even affect environments on the coast and in the ocean.
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