
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 8: Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo 237





Presentation : Bamboo propagation

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images explaining bamboo propagation techniques
Handouts from PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo

References : PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo

Objective : Participants learn how to propagate bamboo

If available, the facilitator can hand out copies of the “Bamboo propagation” section of PC
Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo to all the participants.

There are two main techniques for propagation of bamboo. The method you use will
depend on the type of bamboo and what the bamboo will be used for.

The two methods are:

  1. Rhizome propagation.

  2. Culm cutting propagation.

The best time of year to propagate bamboo:

  • September to November is the best time of year to propagate bamboo, but with
    careful management and if water is available, it can be done at any time.

  • If no water is available, propagate when the wet season has started.

Rhizome propagation

  • Rhizome propagation is good for small-scale planting because it has a high
    success rate. Rhizome propagation is more complicated than culm cutting
    propagation, but its success rate is higher.

  • Rhizome propagation will work with almost all types of bamboo, but rhizomes of
    large species are difficult to dig up. Therefore rhizome propagation is best for
    species of small bamboo with many rhizomes and culms.

Culm (pole) cutting propagation

  • Culm cutting propagation is good for plantations and windbreaks because it
    is a simple process. The best time to propagate is at the beginning of the wet

  • Culm cutting propagation works best with large bamboos that are difficult to
    propagate from rhizomes.

  • Culm cutting propagation can be used for growing bamboo in containers.

See in the “Bamboo propagation” section from PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops,
and Bamboo for detailed descriptions and illustrations that explain these methods of

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