
(Nandana) #1
238 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops





Field activity : Propagate bamboo

Method : Group practical activity

Tools : See preparation below

References : PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo

Objective : Participants practice bamboo propagating techniques


  • Identify clumps of bamboo from which propagates can be taken. If possible
    the participants should be directly involved in collecting the propagating the
    bamboo, as well as dividing and planting it, but this depends on how close
    the bamboo clumps are from the workshop area. If it is far away, collect the
    propagating material before the workshop and keep it moist until it is needed.

  • Identify appropriate places for the propagates to be planted.

  • Prepare water for planting.

Other materials needed:

  • Digging bars, spades, hand saw, and machetes/knives for rhizome propagation.

  • Machetes/knives and hand saw for culm propagation.

  • Large planting containers to plant culm propagates.

  • Rice sacks/containers for transporting propagates.

  • Compost, mulch, and watering pipes.

Running this exercise

Explain the process and steps involved to the whole group. See the “Bamboo propagation”
section from PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo for detailed explanations
of each type of propagation technique, including:

  1. How to collect the propagates.

  2. How to prepare the propagates for planting.

  3. How to plant them.

Step 1: Ask the participants to split up into 3 workgroups:

  • Group 1 - Collect and plant rhizome propagates.

  • Group 2 - Collect and plant culm propagates in the ground.

  • Group 3 - Collect and plant culm propagates in the nursery.

Step 2: Collect, prepare, and plant the bamboo propagates. The facilitators should
observe each group’s techniques and offer advice as is necessary.

Step 3: Review the process with the participants. Each group can present their results
and discuss the techniques used with the whole group.
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