
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 8: Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo 239





Creative thinking : Types of bamboo and their uses

Method : Group brainstorm

Tools : Large paper, markers

References : PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo

Objective : Participants list local bamboo varieties and uses

Step 1

Ask the participants to split up into smaller workgroups. Each group can create a list
of local bamboo varieties and their ideas about their characteristics and uses. This list
should include:

  • Name of each variety – In the local language, Indonesian, or the botanical name.

  • How resistant each variety is to pests and diseases – High, average, poor,
    including specific problems.

  • General characteristics of each type – Height, width of each culm, strength, etc.

  • Uses for each variety – Food, building material, furniture, musical instruments, etc.

Use the table below (without the answers) as an example to follow.

Bamboo variety

Pest and

General characteristics Uses

Bamboo petung Yes Tall, big, straight • Building material.• Furniture and craft making.

Bamboo ampel Yes Thick, easy to transplant, straight

  • Building material.

  • Duck sticks.

  • Fishing rods.

  • Furniture and craft making.

Yellow bamboo Yes Yellow color, thin, straight

  • Ceremonial.

  • Landscaping.

  • Furniture and craft making.

Bamboo santong Yes Medium size, fast growth, strong

  • Building material.

  • Baskets and woven walls.

  • Furniture and craft making.

Bamboo tali Yes

Thin, flexible, easy growth,
most common variety found

  • Bamboo rope.

  • Baskets and woven walls.

  • Building material.

  • Furniture and craft making.

Bamboo tutul Yes Rare, yellow with brown spot, grows on high grounds

  • Percussion instruments.

  • Building material.

  • Furniture and craft making.

Step 2

  • After each workgroup has created their lists, ask them to present the results to
    the entire group.

  • Ask the participants to discuss the results together.

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