
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 8: Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo 243

Each group will create their enterprise plan covering the following points:

  • What type of enterprise group? Cooperative, family, community group, small
    business partnership, etc.

  • The types of bamboo used (local variety).

  • The products and/or services sold - Materials other than bamboo, which
    support bamboo production can also be included – if so then include material
    sources, costs, amounts needed, etc if time permits.

  • How they will grow the bamboo – Where, how much, who will plant and
    manage the bamboo, etc.

  • Approximately how many poles they will need each year to start their
    business? - Which could change over time.

  • Harvest and post harvest drying, curing, and treatment plan.

  • Storage plan.

  • Product plan, including:

    • How many of the products are made?

    • Where are the products sold?

    • How are the products transported to the place they are sold?

    • How are the products marketed?

    • What costs are involved in these processes?

    • How much are the products sold for?

The detail that the groups can give for each of these questions will depend on the amount
of time provided for this exercise.

Running this exercise

Step 1 - Form the workgroups

  • Have the participants to split up into smaller workgroups using one of the
    exercises in the appendix.

  • Give each of the workgroups large pieces of paper and markers.

Step 2 - Workgroups create their plans

  • Each group brainstorms and creates a ‘Bamboo small enterprise plan’ by
    answering the questions listed above.

  • Have each of the work groups write up, or even draw pictures of their ‘Bamboo
    small enterprise plan’ on the large pieces of paper big enough so that everyone
    can see them later.

Step 3 - Presentation and feedback

  • After each workgroup has created their plan, they can present them to the entire
    group for feedback and other suggestions.

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