
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 9: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 261

Field activity : Create a plant guild

Method   :  Group   field   activity

Tools : See preparations below

References : PC Book MOD 9 – Integrated Pest Management;
PC Book MOD 6 – Home and Community Gardens

Objective : Participants trial planting different plant guilds

If this exercises is done in a community demonstration plot then a good
ongoing exercise would be to suggest is that the participants can continue to
observe and document the results of these guild trials over time.


Together with the participants choose some of the plant guilds from the previous exercises
that are in season for planting.

  • Collect seeds, seedlings, bulbs, or cuttings ready for planting.

  • Prepare garden beds for planting.

  • Collect compost.

  • Collect mulch.

  • Prepare water.

  • Prepare appropriate tools for planting.

Running this exercise

Step 1 - Create groups and choose guilds

  • Ask the participants to split up into smaller workgroups.

  • Each of the groups can choose one of the guilds to plant.

Step 2 - Groups plant their guilds

  • Each group can plant their guilds in a test plot, add compost and mulch and
    then water the new garden beds.

  • See the “Seed and seedling planting ideas” section of PC Book MOD 6 - Home
    and Community Gardens and PC Book Ch 4 - Healthy Soil for more detailed

Step 3 - Feedback and suggestions

After each workgroup has finished, they can present the results to the entire group for
feedback and other suggestions.




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