
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 9: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 271

Creative thinking : Make a community IPM plan

Method : Group planning exercise

Tools : Large paper, markers

References : PC Book MOD 9 – Integrated Pest Management

Objective : Participants create an IPM plan for their communities

The goal of this exercise is for participants to create an IPM plan for a community using
as many aspects of IPM as possible. The plan should include:

  • Short-term, medium, and long-term objectives (e.g. 3 months, 1 year, 5 years).

  • Techniques for the whole community as well as for individual farms and gardens.

  • An integrated approach to gardens, farms, animals, and community forests.

  • A plan for testing techniques and for spreading information. Note: The more
    farmers that use IPM, the better the results are for everyone.

  • Information from the many lists of local materials and techniques for IPM that
    the participants have created from other exercises in this module.

Step 1 - Orientation

The facilitator can give a brief review of IPM basics including how IPM works through:

  • Healthy, living soil. • Using natural pest predators.

  • Healthy environment. • Open-pollinated, non-hybrid seeds.

  • Using baits and traps. • Use of animals in pest control.

  • Using natural pesticides. • Biological controls.

  • Good crop management, including:

    • Crop rotation.

    • Natural patterns for garden shapes.

    • Crop diversity, not monoculture.

    • Pest barrier crops.

    • Companion planting.

Step 2 - Workgroups make IPM plans

  • Ask the participants to split up into smaller work groups and have each
    workgroup make an IPM plan.

Step 3 - Presentation with feedback and inputs

  • After each workgroup has created their IPM plans, they can present them to the
    entire group for feedback and other suggestions.

See PC Book MOD 9 – Integrated Pest Management for more information about
these techniques.




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