INTRODUCTION: Permaculture Workshops 31
Step 7. Preparing the resources needed to run the course
To deliver a successful Permaculture workshop, it is important
to make sure all the facilities, tools, and materials needed to
support the course are ready before the course begins.
Prepare the training facilities and demonstration sites
Depending on the training facilities available, you may need to construct compost pit
toilets and an open-air shelter. You will also need to prepare demonstration sites and
examples of techniques in advance, such as liquid and dry compost at various stages of
development, mulched and un-mulched garden beds, and 3-D models, according to your
lesson plan.
Prepare the people
- Organize logistical support for participants: Arrange for childcare with the
families of participants who need it. - Arrange meals for the participants during the training days.
- Make sure the women participants will not be called home to cook for their
families during course hours.
Locate and hire an interpreter if needed. Brief the interpreter by explaining the basic
concepts and outline of the course and any complicated techniques or technical vocabulary
in advance. If possible, arrange for the interpreter to see the training facilities and the
demonstration garden or other sites which will be used during the course. You may also
want to have the interpreter attend meetings with the local community and/or participate
in other course preparations to get a better understanding of the course.
Important note about interpreters: Interpreters need to understand that their role
is to transmit what is said without intervening in the class discussion. Otherwise, they
may alter the content of the dialogue. This is especially the case if a man is translating
for a group of women – it is best to use female interpreters for women-only courses.
Prepare the community
Hold a public meeting to inform the community about the course
Community leaders should announce, attend, and run this meeting. Introduce
Permaculture and the objectives of the course, and explain what kinds of activities the
participants will be doing.