Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

76 Handbook of herbs and spices

∑ For most herbs and spices, the moisture levels should be reduced to below 11%

to prevent fungal infection.

4.2.3 On-farm storage

∑ Properly dried and cleaned spices should be packed in hygienic and moisture-

proof containers. Previously used containers, such as jute bags, polyethylene
bags, bins and tins, can be reused only after thorough cleaning. Empty fertilizer,
pesticide and fungicide bags should never be reused, even after washing.

∑ Jute bags and bamboo bins should be lined with plastic film if necessary to

prevent dried products from re-absorbing moisture, which could lead to growth
of mould.

4.2.4 Processing factory

∑ Factories or other buildings used for processing herbs and spices should be on

elevated land with adequate drainage facilities to drain rain and effluent water

∑ The building should preferably be located in an area free from objectionable

odours, smoke, dust or other contaminants.

∑ The building should be designed and constructed to enable easy and thorough

cleaning inside. Entry of pests and rodents should be prevented as much as
possible. Mice can enter through holes as small as 5 mm, and, if necessary,
ultrasonic rodent devices may be installed. Electrical control devices for flying
insects, consisting of an electrified grid and a tray for collecting the dead insects,
should be installed at strategic points, especially near the entrances to the processing
and storage areas.

∑ Floors, walls and ceilings should be waterproof, non-absorbent and without cracks

and crevices. They should have smooth surfaces for quick cleaning and
disinfestation. The angle between the walls and the floor inside factory and
storage facilities should not be 90∞ but should form a concave surface, to discourage
movement of rodents and facilitate easy cleaning.

∑ Doors, windows and other openings should be designed so as to avoid accumulation

of dust and dirt. Doors should have self-closing devices and close perfectly, and
may also be insect-proofed. Internal windowsills, if unavoidable, should be sloped
to prevent dust accumulation. External windowsills should also be sloped to
minimize dust accumulation and also to prevent birds from alighting on them.

∑ Living quarters, toilets and areas where animals are housed should be completely

separate and distant from the processing facility and storage area.

∑ The water supply should meet World Health Organization (WHO) standards for

sufficiency, pressure and temperature.

∑ There should be an efficient effluent and waste disposal system, and it should be

kept well-maintained.

∑ Conveniently located changing facilities and toilets should be provided for workers.

The facilities should be designed to ensure smooth removal of waste materials
and kept clean and well-maintained.

∑ Washing facilities with hot and cold water, toilet soap and clean towels should be

provided adjacent to the toilets. Where paper towels are used, there should be
dispensers and waste receptacles provided near the washing facility notice directing
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