Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Packaging and storage of herbs and spices 93

∑ Dry soluble spices are prepared by dispersing an essential oil and oleoresins onto

a carrier such as salt, dextrose or other types of ingredients.

∑ Encapsulated spices are prepared by spray drying pre-made emulsions using

gum arabic or starches. Once dried these flavours are encapsulated, the flavour
is released when added to water.

Oleoresins have a high stability in storage and have a minimum shelf life of one

year, without any loss in quality. There are also other advantages including reduced

space storage requirements as they require only 1–10% of the space required by

ground spices. Controlled-atmosphere storage (temperature and humidity) is generally

not required.

5.6 Storage requirements for fresh and dried herbs and spices.........

Most herbs are marketed in the dried form, since a high concentration of water will

cause product deterioration over time. The changes in the volatiles depend on factors

such as the drying method, the biological characteristics of the plants and their

volatile composition. Oven drying and freeze drying applied to dill and parsley leads

to a significant loss in volatiles. This compares to the effect on drying bay leaf which

is much less.

5.6.1 Main factors that cause deterioration of foods during storage

∑ climatic influences that cause physical and chemical changes (UV light, moisture

vapour, oxygen and temperature changes)

∑ contamination (by micro-organisms, insects or soils)

∑ mechanical forces (damage caused by impact, vibration, compression or abrasion)

∑ pilferage, tampering or adulteration.

5.6.2 Selection of packaging materials

Packaging of food is usually utilitarian and protective. The primary purpose of packaging

is to preserve the flavour and keep the product in good condition until it reaches the

consumer. A large number of factors must be considered in detail when choosing a

suitable packaging material for food that provides flavour. The factors can be grouped

into basic factors and consumer acceptance factors. Basic factors include:

∑ price of packaging

∑ protection of product from contamination

∑ resistance to impact injury

∑ effectiveness of interior surface

∑ absence of handling problems

∑ space and other storage requirements

∑ special features relating to the performance of the package.

Consumer acceptance factors include:

∑ size

∑ ease of opening

∑ reseal features

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