Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

The range of medicinal herbs and spices 117

Star anise Illicium verum Trans-anethole, safrole, Anodyne, diuretic, anti-
estragole, 1,4-cineole, rheumatic, antiseptic,
$-farnesene, fatty acids, stimulant, carminative,
"-copaene, "-terpineol, stomachic, vermifuge.
Sumach Rhus glabra Tannins, astragalin, Antibacterial, anti-ulcer,
R. coriaria avicularin, myricetin, antiseptic, anti-viral,
myricitrin, quercetin18,89 dyspepsia, anti-
inflammatory. For
rheumatism, internal
bleeding, diarrhea,
enteritis colitis.
Ta r r a g o n Artemisia Estragole, phelandrine, Diuretic, used as an
dracunculus iodine, tannins, methyl appetite stimulant.
coumarins, chavicol,
rutin, flavonoids^12
Thyme Thymus vulgaris Thymol, tannins, Antioxidant, anti-
carvacrol, saponins, spasmodic, antitussive,
apigenin, relieve coughing.
Turmeric Curcuma longa Curcumin, $-carotene, Antioxidant, anti-
thiamine, riboflavin, gynecomastia, anti-cancer,
niacin, ascorbic acid, anti-hepatotoxic activity,
essential oils, carminative, stomachic,
$-sesquiphellandrene, improve liver function,
curcumoids.13,14,15,75 treat ulcer.
Vanilla Vanilla planifolia Vinillin, fatty acids, Aphrodisiac, treat fevers
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and spasms, carminative,
piperonal, vanillic acid, stimulant, vulnerary
balsam, glucovanillin, function.

Ta ble 7.1 Continued

Common name Scientific name Major constituents Therapeutic values

and other enzyme inducers, reducing induction and advancement of cancer cell

development46,60,61,64. For example, the pigments, carvone, curcumin, limonene, and

lycopene are associated with reduced risk of cancer^49. Oleoresin from rosemary can

inhibit oxidative rancidity and retard the development of off-flavor in some

products85,88,89. Capsaicin, the pungent principle in chilies, has been shown to reduce

reactive oxygen species and thereby inflammation^50. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is

claimed that garlic lightens the blood, reduces tumors, and is an aphrodisiac tonic.

This claim is confirmed by scientists with modern technology that garlic thins the

blood, prevents cancer, and increases libidinous activities^89.

Medicinal herbs and spices also contain antimicrobial compounds, such as allicin

(garlic), allyl isothiocyanate (mustard), cinnamaldehyde, eugenol (cinnamon), eugenol

(cloves), thymol, eugenol (sage), and thymol, carvacrol (oregano)43,72. Thus, spices

not only provide flavor and aroma to food and retard microbial growth, but are also

beneficial in the prevention of off-flavor development. These attributes are useful in

the development of snack foods and meat products^44.

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