Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

202 Handbook of herbs and spices

Table 11.15 Volatile compounds in supercritical fluid extracts of fresh and dried ginger

Compound Amount fresh (%) Amount dry (%)

Octane 0.39 0.07
Hexanal 1.58 0.87
a-Pinene 0.35 1.24
Camphene 1.08 2.89
b-Pinene 0.00 0.11
6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one 0.00 0.04
b-Myrcene 0.30 0.94
Octanal 0.42 0.24
Octan-2-ol 0.13 0.31
Limonene 0.27 0.31
b-Phellandrene 1.30 4.68
Heptyl acetate 0.00 0.11
Terpinolene 0.00 0.12
Linalool 0.41 0.39
Citronellal 0.02 0.14
Isoborneol 0.00 0.11
Borneol 0.73 0.39
Decane 0.00 0.00
Decanal 0.96 0.91
Citronellol 0.76 0.47
Neral 1.46 2.30
Geraniol 3.11 1.14
Geranial 18.47 3.90
Bornyl acetate 0.00 0.04
2-Undecanone 0.11 0.24
Cirtonellyl acetate 0.47 0.77
a-Camphane 0.00 0.17
Geranyl acetate 3.00 5.87
d-Elemene 0.43 0.60
b-Elemene 0.00 0.14
g-Elemene 0.16 0.30
(Z)-b-Farnesene 0.15 0.31
(E)-b-Farnesene 0.14 0.17
a-Guaicene 0.02 0.21
ar-Curcumene 1.54 2.29
Germacrene D 0.74 1.26
Zingiberene 13.44 24.58
(E,E)-g-Farnesene 7.13 14.19
b-Bisabolene 2.49 3.32
g-Cadinene 0.22 0.19
b-Sesquiphellandrene 5.85 7.64
Elemol 0.80 0.44
Nerolidol 0.38 0.38
a-Bisabolol 0.21 0.15
Sesquisabinene hydrate 0.30 0.29
Zingiberenol 0.15 0.13
Guaicol 0.22 0.14
Zingerone 7.49 3.42
b-Eudesmol 0.21 0.11
Sesquiterpene alcohol 0.64 0.30
Phenyl curcumene 0.05 0.14
6-Paradol 0.50 0.17
6-Shogaol 6.30 2.35
6-Ginger dione 1.92 1.00

Source: Bartley and Jacons (2000).

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