Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Asafetida 221

12.1 Introduction

Asafoetida or Asafetida is the dried latex, oleogum or oleoresin exuded from the

taproots of perennial herbs belonging to many species of the genus Ferula, of the

family Umbeliferacaea (Pruthi 1976). There are about 60 species of the genus Fe rula,

found mainly in three geographical areas, Central Asia, Europe and North Africa.

Central Asia is the main source of asafetida and Afghanistan and Iran are the major

producers in this region. The trade name, asafetida, is based on the scientific name of

one of the most important species, Ferula asafetida (Duke 2003). The commercially

important species of Ferula have been reviewed by Raghavan et al. (1974) and are

summarized in Table 12.1.

12.1.1 Botany

Commercial asafetida is obtained mainly from F. asafetida and also from F. narthex,

as well as a few other species. While F. asafetida is grown extensively in Iran and

Afghanistan, F. narthex is found in the dry valleys of the Ladakh region in Kashmir,

at an altitude of 4000 m. The oleogum of F. narthex, though not true asafetida, is used

as a substitute for asafetida in India. F. asafetida is indigenous to Iran (Andi et al.


The asafetida plant has a perennial fusiform root that is several centimetres in

diameter, with a coarse, hairy summit, either simple like a parsnip or with one or

more forks. The bark is wrinkled and blackish, and the internal structure is fleshy and

white, containing a large amount of thick, milky, fetid, alliaceous juice. The leaves

are few in number, radical, and appear in the autumn. They grow to about 45 cm in

length during winter and wither by the end of spring. The leaves are shiny, coriaceous

like those of lovage, glaucous green, and pinnated with pinnatifid segments whose

lobes are oblong and obtuse. The petioles are terete and channelled only at the base.

The stem is herbaceous, 2.5 m to 3.25 m long and about 15 cm in circumference at

the base, solid, smooth and clothed with membranous sheaths.

12 Asafetida....................................................................................................

C. K. George, Peermade Development Society, India

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