Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

224 Handbook of herbs and spices

12.2 World trade.....................................................................................

Data relating to world trade of asafetida are scarce as it has not been reported separately

in the International Trade Classification (Harmonious System). Accordingly there is

no reliable information available on the export and import of asafetida for different

countries. In India, asafetida is popularly used in some vegetarian dishes and for the

preparation of indigenous medicines; hence it is regularly imported from Afghanistan

and Iran. Imports of asafetida into India during the five years, 2000–5 are given in

Table 12.2.

The importation of asafetida into India is erratic, but growth in imports during

2003–4 and 2004–5 was notable compared to the three previous years, the average of

which stood at 643.5 MT. There was 40.19% increase in the amount of asafetida

imported during 2003–4 over the average for the previous three years. The value of

imported asafetida per kg increased considerably over the five-year period from USD

4.47 during 2000–1 to USD 10.97 in 2004–5.

Some of the imported asafetida is processed in India and re-exported. Unprocessed

material may also be exported, depending on the profit margin, but separate export

figures are not available for unprocessed and processed asafetida. Processed asafetida

is mainly compounded asafetida. The quantity and value of asafetida, including

compounded asafetida, exported from India during the five-year period, 2000–5 are

shown in Table 12.3.

Exports did not follow a steady pattern. The quantities exported during 2003–4

and 2004–5 were almost the same, but the value went up by 64.29% during 2004–5

over the previous year. Compared to the price of USD 10.97 per kg for the imported

asafetida in 2004–5, the export price was only USD 4.40 per kg, as compounding

made the product much cheaper.

Table 12.2 Importation of asafetida into India

Year Quantity in MT Value in million USD

2000–1 658.0 2.94
2001–2 758.3 3.83
2002–3 514.2 3.18
2003–4 902.1 8.36
2004–5 831.9(E) 9.13

(E): estimate
Source: Spices Board, Government of India, Cochin, India.

Table 12.3 Export of asafetida from India

Year Quantity in MT Value in million USD

2000–1 371.6 1.03
2001–2 270.8 0.79
2002–3 473.9 1.00
2003–4 735.3 1.96
2004–5 731.6 3.22

Source: Spices Board, Government of India, Cochin, India.
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