Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

292 Handbook of herbs and spices

∑ The seed weight of 1000 grains of biennial type caraway is 3–4.5 g and annual

type is around 5.2 g (Franz,1996)

The minimum specific quality indices for caraway seed are given below (Farrell, 1999)

total ash 8.0%
acid soluble ash 1.0%
seed moisture 10%
volatile oil 3%

The general characteristics of quality standards as laid down under the Prevention of

Food Adulteration (PFA) Act and Rules by BSI of India for caraway are defined

below (Pruthi, 2001).

Whole seed

Caraway whole seed means the dried seed of the plant (Carum carvi Linn). Extraneous

matter including foreign edible seeds, chaff, stem straw, dust, dirt, stones and lumps

of earth shall not exceed 5% by weight. The amount of insect damaged matter shall

not exceed 5% by weight. It shall be free from added colouring matter.

15.7.2 Caraway powder

Caraway powder means the powder obtained from the dried seed of Carum carvi (L).

It may be in the form of small pieces of the seeds or in finely ground form. It shall

be free from added colouring matter. The ground product should be uniform, allowing

a minimum of 95% by weight to pass through a US Standard No. 30 sieve, in addition

it shall conform to the following standards:

moisture: not more than 13% by weight
total ash: not more than 8% by weight
ash insoluble in dilute HCI: not more than 1.5%

15.7.3 Essential oil and fixed oil

The essential oil content of caraway seed generally ranges between 2–5% and it

primarily contains carvone (47–81%), limonene (9–48%) and fixed oil (15%). Caraway

oil is a mobile liquid, almost colourless to pale yellow, although it may become

brownish to dark brown depending upon time. The physico-chemical properties of

caraway seed oil are as follows (Singhal et al.,1997)

S. No. Characters Requirement

  1. Appearance Pale yellow

  2. Odour Strong spicy

  3. Specific gravity at 15 ∞C 0.907–0.919

  4. Refractive index 20 ∞C 1.484–1.488

  5. Optical rotation +70∞ 0 ¢ to +80∞ 0 ¢

  6. Carvone contents 50–60%

  7. Limonene 20–30%

  8. Solubility Seldom soluble in 70% alcohol, soluble

in 2–10 volumes of 80% alcohol, clearly
soluble in equal volumes of 90% alcohol.
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