310 Handbook of herbs and spices
Table 16.5 Symptoms and control measures of major diseases and pests of pepper (partially adapted
from Berke et al., 2005)
Stress/symptom Control measures
Damping off (Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium spp., Fusarium spp.)
Die-back or Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. capsici, C. acutatum, C. coccodes)
Occurs mostly in the nursery. Seedlings become
infected near the soil surface after emergence. The
tissues become soft, water-soaked and weak causing
the seedlings to fall down and die later.
Soil treatment with Captan @ 0.3%. Seed treatment
before sowing and foliar spray with Bavistin
Necrosis and withering of twigs from apical top to
the bottom of the plant. The twigs are water soaked,
brown and die back. Small, irregular, sunken, dark
yellow to light brown lesions on the mature fruit.
Seed borne. Seed treatment with Bavistin @ 0.25
%. Seedlings spray with Captan @ 0.2% or Bavistin
0.3%. Use of pathogen-free seed, crop rotation and
frequent picking of mature fruits are management
Powdery mildew (Leveillula tauricai)
White powdery growth on lower surface of leaves
resulting in wilting of plants.
Spray of Karathane 1.0 to 1.5 g/l or Calixin 0.5 g/l
or Topaz 0.25 g/l of water.
Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)
Infected plants with fewer and yellowish leaves
and stunted shoots. Root knot galls at the point of
invasion on the roots. Reduction in fruit size and
Application of Carbofuran 3 G (Furadon), Phorate,
Nemacur. Steam sterilization and soil fumigation
in greenhouses. Crop rotation with non-host crops.
Small water-soaked spots on leaves, turn necrotic
with yellow borders. Heavily infected leaves may
drop, resulting in severe defoliation. Corky or wart-
like fruits.
Seed borne. Sprays of copper or copper + maneb.
Use of clean seed and crop rotation are important
in disease management.
Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria)
Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)
Wilting of lower leaves followed by a sudden wilt
of plant without foliar yellowing. Vascular browning
and sometimes cortical decay is evident near the
soil line.
Soil borne. Fumigate seedbeds and pasteurize the
planting medium for container-grown plants. Crop
rotation with flooded rice. Transplanting on raised
Root rot. Watersoaked regions on lower stems and
branches, black/brown and irregular spots on
infected leaves. Sudden wilting of plant without
foliar yellowing.
Phytophthora blight syn. Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora capsici)
Soil-borne. Transplanting on raised beds and do
not allow water stagnation longer than six hours.
Fungicide spray may be beneficial at foliar blight
Generally these diseases show mosaic, mottled and/
or deformed leaves. Plants are stunted and the loss
of marketable yield can be dramatic.
Chili veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), potato virus Y (PVY)
Aphid-transmitted. Use resistant cultivars. Reduce
aphid vectors by controlling weeds, spraying
insecticides, and using mesh netting to exclude
aphids from the seedlings.
Pepper leaf curl virus (Pep-LCV)
Leaves curl towards midrib, plants remain stunted,
flower buds abscise and pollen development is
hampered, no fruit set or development of tiny fruits
with no value.
White fly transmitted. Use resistant cultivars. Check
white fly by managing weeds, spraying insecticides
and using mesh netting to exclude white fly from
the seedlings.
Thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis and Thrips palmi)
Young leaves curl upward. Brown areas develop
between veins of young and old leaves. Corky tissue
on infested fruits.
Mites (Polyphagotarsonamus latus)
Leaves curl downwards and become narrow. Corky
tissue develops on fruits. Mites are yellow or white,
tiny and found near the mid-vein on the lower side
of the leaves.
Spray of dichlorovos (Nuvan) @ 1.0 ml/l of water.
Damage can be reduced by weed control, rotating
crops and using predators.
Spray Dicofol (18.5 EC) @ 2.75 ml/lit of water.
Wettable sulphur @2.5 to 3.0 g/l of water. Use of
tolerant cultivars, weed control and crop rotation
are management practices.