Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Celery 323

furanocoumarins (bergapten) and flavonoids (apiin). Celery seed volatile oil as reported

by Farrell (1999) primarily consists of 60% d-limonene, 10–20% selinene, 2.5–3.0%

sedanolid and 0.5% sedanonic anhydride. The aroma-chemicals present in celery

seed as analysed through GC/MS analysis (Cu Jian-Qin et al., 1990) are given in

Table 18.2.

The chemical composition varies with the stage of the plant at harvesting. The

composition of the oil from the fresh aerial parts of celery (at flowering stage) are a

and b-pinene, myrcene, transfarnesene, humulene, limonene, cis-b-ocimene, G-

terpenene, trans-b-ocimene, apiol, b-selinene, senkyuonlide and neocnidilide (Sahel

et al., 1985). Choline ascorbate and enzyme inositol trisphosphate were isolated from

celery leaves (Kavalali and Akcasu, 1985); McMurry and Irvine, 1988), respectively.

The chemical constituents extracted from the roots of Apium graveolens var. dulce

were 4-phthalides butylphthalide, neocnidilide, cnidilide, z-lingustilide and senkyonolide

and Apium graveolens var. rapaceum contained butylphthalide and z-butylide

nephthalide, cnidilide, E and Z-ligustilide, neocnidilide and senkyonolide (Gijbels et

al., 1985). Chowdhury and Gupta (2000) found that celery oil contained 28 compounds

belonging to different categories such as terpenes, sesquiterpenes and their derivatives

(Table 18.3). The compound b-selinene was the major constituent (29.23%), whereas

most of the other workers have reported limonene and selinene as the major constituents.

The chemical structures of both compounds are given in Fig. 18.1.

Table 18.2 Details of aroma-chemicals reported in celery seed oil

Compound Percentage

a-Pinene 1.05
Camphene Traces
b-Pinene Traces
Sabenene 0.76
Myrcene 0.95
-3-carene Traces
a-Phellandrene Traces
Limonene 72.16
b-Phellandrene 0.02
Cis b-Ocimene Traces
Trans-b-Ocimene Traces
r-Cymene 0.74
Pentyl benzene 0.02
Linalool 1.48
Isopulegone 0.16
Caryophyllene 0.17
Carvone 0.09
Geranyl acetate 0.04
a-lonone 0.05
Cinnamic aldehyde 0.15
Thymol 0.17
b-Selinene 12.17
a-Selinene 2.05
Epoxycaryophyllene 0.55
h-butyl phthalide 2.56
Eudesmol 0.29
Lingustilide 2.41

Source: Cu Jian-Qin et al., (1990).
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