Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Celery 325

Asian countries. The main uses of celery in the food processing industry are described


18.6.1 Processed products from celery leaves and petioles

The long fleshy petioles and leaves are valued for their flavour and texture and are

used as salad and in the preparation of some value added products and have been

documented by Pruthi (2001).

Dehydrated celery

Celery stalk and leaves are dehydrated and are commercially available in the USA

and the UK markets as:

∑ 10 mm celery stalk dice

∑ leaf and stalk flakes

∑ stalk and leaf granules

∑ celery powder.

These various styles of dehydrated products are used for flavouring soups, broth

base, canned tuna fish, stuffings and stewed tomatoes and as a garnish on potato

salad and meat sauces.

Celery stalk products

Stalk products have been reported to retain the deepest green colour. This is frequently

protected by the addition of minute amount of sodium bisulphite or sodium sulphite.

Celery flakes are used in dry soup mixes, canned soups, sauces, stuffings, casserole

products and vegetable specialities. Granulated or powdered celery is a good choice for

canned and frozen sauces and dry mixes for bread and soups. Cross cut and diced celery

is used in canned and frozen soups, relishes, vegetable specialities and salad mixes.

Processed celery juice blends

Processed celery juice blends in combination with vegetables have been prepared

successfully and marketed. Organic celery and tomato; organic celery and carrot

juice blends are becoming popular as nutritious drinks and have been reported to

function as a cleansing drink that is good for recovery from many chronic illnesses.

Freeze-dried celery

Cross-cut slices of celery stalks are also available in freeze-dried form. The freeze-

dried process is also effective in retaining original shape and crispness of celery. This

product makes a crisp garnish for potato salad, casseroles, chinese dishes, gelatin

salad, pickles and relishes. Overall quality for retention of nutrients is better in

freeze-dried celery petioles.

Blanched celery

Blanching removes the green colour in the petioles and is accomplished by excluding

light from leaf stalks while plants are still growing in the field. This process makes

the leaf stalks more tender but reduces the strong flavour and nutrients particularly

vitamin A. A small segment of customers still demand blanched celery. In the past,

blanched celery was more popular but these days there is more demand for green

celery owing to the presence of more natural nutrients.

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