Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

332 Handbook of herbs and spices

∑ flavour, which is influenced by the composition of aromatic compounds: the

intense flavouring qualities are due to the presence of phthalides and terpene
(Rubatzky and Yamaguchi, 1997).

Agmark of India provides three grades of celery seeds, viz., special, good, fair.

The BSI has laid down Indian standards for various spices but under the PFA (Protection

of Food) Act, no specification has yet been provided for celery seed. The grade

designations and definitions of quality of celery seed are given in Table 18.6

(Pruthi, 2001).

The minimum specific quality indices as per Farrell (1999) are seed moisture

10%, total ash 14%, acid insoluble ash 2%, volatile oil 2%, non-volatile ether extract

12%, foreign organic matter 2%. The latest contaminant tolerance limits of celery

seed as prescribed by the American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) are whole

insects, dead by count four, excreta, mammalian by 3 mg/ef; excreta other by

3 mg/ef; infested by weight 1%; extraneous foreign matter by weight 0.5%. The other

common specifications of quality minimums for herbs and spices as per the European

Spice Association have also been cited by Muggeridge et al., (2001). The International

Standard Organization, has also laid down standards and production specifications of

celery seed as per the European Spice Association and are given here in Tables 18.7

and 18.8.

Table 18.6 Grade designations and definitions of quality of celery seeds

Grade designation Special quality characteristics General characteristics

*Extraneous matter, Moisture, percentage
percentage by weight by weight (maximum)

Special 1.0 10.0 (a) Celery seed shall be
the dried mature. Fruits
of the botanically
known Apium graveolens
Good 2.0 10.0 (b) Free from visible
moulds, live insects, any
harmful foreign matter
and musty odour
Fair 5.0 10.0 (c) Generally conform to
the characteristic size,
colour, taste and aroma
of the variety type.

*Definition: extraneous matter means dust, dirt, stones, earth, chaff, stalks, stems, straw or any other foreign

Table 18.7 ESA – individual product specifications for celery seed

Celery seed Ash % A/A % H 2 O V/O %

(ISO) w/w(maximum) w/w (maximum) %w/w(maximum) v/w(minimum)
12 3 11 1.5

Source: European Spice Association.

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