Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Chives 339

A comparison of flavonoids from chives grown under different light conditions

indicates different flavonoid response to PAR and UV-B light. Total flavonoids from

the chives were 16.7 mg/10 g-1 f.w. The ratio of the kaempferol glucoside, quercetin

glucoside and isorhamnetin glucoside was 4:1:2. Exposure of PAR flavonoids increase

30% of total flavonoids, and additional UV-B even by more than 80%. (Nitz et al.,


Green leaves of chive mainly contain kaempferol glycosides with di- and tri-

glycosides, the 3-beta-D-glocosides of kaemferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin as by-

glycosides from chive. The structures of eight anthocyanins have been determined in

acidified methanolic extract of the pale-purple flowers of chives. Four of them have

been identified as the anthocyanin-flavonol complexes, with the other four, anthocyanins

were found. The covalent anthocyanin-flavonol complexes show intermolecular

association between the anthocyanidin (cyandin) and flavonol (kaempferol) units,

which influences the colour (Fossen et al., 2000).

Table 19.2 Thiosulfinates and sulfines from extracts of chive as determined by Si-HPLC
(concentrations in mole percent of total)

Compound no. Compound* (response factor)** Onions Chives

5 n-PrSS(O)Propenyl-(E) 9–12 2.5
6,8 nPrS(O)SPropenyl-(Z<E) 10–12 16
7 EtCH=S=O ++
9 n-PrS(O)SPr-n 4–13 58
10 MeSS(O)Propenyl-(E) 22–23 *
11 AllS(O)SMe
12,15 MeS(O)SPropenyl-(Z,E) 25 (24)–31 1(5.5)
13 MeSS(O)Pr 1–4 5.9
14 MeS(O)SPr 1(I)–4 15(10)
16 A llSS(O)Me
17 OSCH(CHMe)2CHSO 2–11
18 MeS(O)Sme 0–14 1.8
Total % MeS 28–38 13
Total % AllS
Total % 1-propenylS 37–47 10 (2)
Total % nPr 19–27 77 (75)
Total thiosulfinates 0.14–0.35 0.19

Source: adapted from Block et al., 1992.

  • Chemical Abstracts names of compounds:
    AllSS(O)Propenyl-(E,AllS(O), SPropenyl-(Z,E), AllS(O)SAll, n-PrSS9O)SPropenyl-(E), n-PrS(O)SPropenyl-
    (Z,E), EtCH=S=O, n-PrS(O)Propenyl-(E), AllS(O)SMe, MeS(O)SPropenyl(Z,E), MeSS(O)Pr, MeS(O)SPr,
    ** Molar absorption with HPLC 254-nm UV detector relative to benzyl alcohol calibrated by NMR peak
    integration. Amounts given in umol/gwet9fresh) weight.

Table 19.3 m/z value of ions produced by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry of flavonoid
glycosides present in chives (adapted from Justesen, 2000)

(M-H)- Product ions of (M-H) Product ions of aglycone Suggested name

463 301 ND Quercetin glucoside
477 315 300,271,151,107 Isorhamnetin glucoside
447 285 ND Kaempferol glucoside

Source: adapted from Justesen, U. (2000).

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