Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Galanga 347

20.1 Introduction

Galanga (not to be confused with the galangal, which is Alpinia galanga) is a perennial

aromatic rhizomatous herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Kaempferia of the

family Zingiberaceae. This genus is comprised of about 70 species. In The Flora of

British India, Baker (1890) described 22 species, among which K. galanga and K.

rotunda are of economic value and are used for flavouring food and in medicine.

Rhizome and roots are aromatic and are used as spice. It is widely used in Indonesia

(called ‘Kenkur’), Philippines and Thailand (called ‘Krachai’ or ‘Kachai’) in flavouring

a variety of dishes. In Thailand a related species, K. parviflora is under cultivation

(Pojanagaroon et al., 2004). The essential oil from the rhizomes is used in perfumery

and folk medicines. In Java, the rhizomes are used in seasoning rice dishes, and also

pickled. The Javan beverage ‘beras kentjoor’ is made from the rhizomes. In many Asian

countries galanga is used interchangeably with galangal (Duke, 2003). Leaves are

eaten raw or after steaming, or cooked with chili (Duke, 2003). Both rhizomes and

leaves are used in Asian countries for perfuming oil, vinegar, hair washes, powders, etc.

The genus is presumably native to tropical Asia and is distributed in the tropics

and subtropics of Asia and Africa. It is cultivated in home gardens in India, Sri

Lanka, Malaysia Moluccas (Indonesia), Philippine Islands and South East Asia.

20.1.1 Botanical notes

The plant attains a height of maximum 30 cm but often is much shorter and has

fleshy, cylindrical aromatic root tubers. There are two (sometimes more) broad,

round leaves that are spread horizontally over the soil. Leaves are sessile, ovate,

deltoid-acuminate, thin and deep green. Petioles are short channeled; flowers irregular,

bisexual, white, 6–12 from the center of the plant between the leaves, fragrant and

opening successively; bracts lanceolate, green, short, calyx long as the outer bracts,

short cylindrical, petals three, corolla tube 2.5 cm long, lanceolate, pure white, stamen

one, perfect, filament short, arcuate, anther two celled, cells discreet. Flowering

starts in June and ends in September, with peak flowering during July to August.

20 Galanga.....................................................................................................

P. N. Ravindran and G. S. Pillai, Centre for Medicinal Plants Research,


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