Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

350 Handbook of herbs and spices

species. Vincent et al. (1992c) reported micropropagation of K. galanga. High frequency

single step in vitro protocols for rapid propagation from the rhizome buds were also

established (Geetha et al., 1997; Geetha, 2002; Jose et al., 2002; Swapna et al. 2004).

A rapid clonal propagation system for K. galanga, has been developed for large-scale

propagation and ex situ conservation (Shirin et al., 2000). LaiKeng and WengHing

(2004) reported in vitro propagation of Zingiberaceae species with medicinal properties.

Plant regeneration from callus derived from rhizome bud explants and somatic

embryogenesis had also been reported (Vincent et al., 1991, 1992a,b; Lakshmi and

Mythili, 2003). Mostly MS medium supplemented with cytokinin like benzyladenine

(BA) and auxins such as indole butyric acid (IBA) or a-naphthalene acetic acid was

used for in vitro responses. After executing proper acclimatization protocol, in vitro

plantlets could be successfully planted in the field with a high percentage of survival.

The micropropagated plants could not be used on a commercial level as they produce

sufficient quantity of rhizome only after three seasons of growth in the nursery. In

order to reduce this time gap, efforts were made at the Tissue Culture Facility of

Centre for Medicinal Plants Research to develop in vitro microrhizome technology in

K. galanga in culture media supplemented with higher levels of sucrose (Geetha et

al., 2005). The microrhizome derived plants exhibited superiority over normal

micropropagated plants in rhizome formation after planting out. Chirangivi et. al.

(2005) also reported microrhizome induction in this species. In vitro conservation by

slow growth methods were developed for medium-term conservation of this important

medicinal plant (Geetha, 2002).

20.4 Functional properties......................................................................

Galanga is pharmaceutically a very active plant and many biological properties have

been reported (Table 20.1). As in the case of other zingiberaceous plants like ginger,

greater galangal, etc., galanga also shows potent antitumour activities and antimutagenic

activities. Vimala et al. (1999) reported seven zingiberaceous genera having such

activities, and Kaempferia is a potent one that inhibited Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

activation induced by TPA (12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-3-acetate). The above authors

concluded that the naturally occurring non-toxic compounds inhibited the EBV

activation. K. galanga extract exhibited amoebicidal activity against Acanthamoeba

(DanMy et al., 1998).

Essential oil from the root induced gutathione-s-transferase activities in the stomach,

liver and small intestine of mice. Ethanol extract of dried rhizome showed antispasmodic

activity vs. histamine-induced contraction and barium-induced contraction in guinea

pigs. An ethanol-water extract indicated smooth muscle stimulant activity. Water

extract of dried rhizomes exhibited antitumour activity. Rhizome and root oils showed

antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and antifungal

activity against Alternaria, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, etc. (Thomas et al. 1996;

Arembawela et al., 1999a,b).

K. galanga extracts showed strong lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of more than

80% at 0.1 mg/ml (Ling et al., 1998). The hypolepidemic action of the ethanoic

extract of K. galanga was observed in vitro. The oral administration of the extract

was effective in lowering the total cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipid levels

in serum and tissues (Achuthan and Padikkala, 1997). Extract of K. galanga exhibited

marked larvicidal effect against Culex quinquefasciatus (Pitasawat et al., 1998) and

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