Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

400 Handbook of herbs and spices

24.1 Introduction

Lemongrass is a tropical perennial plant which yields aromatic oil. The name lemongrass

is derived from the typical lemon-like odour of the essential oil present in the shoot.

The lemongrass oil of commerce is popularly known as Cochin oil in world trade,

since 90% of it is shipped from Cochin port. The state of Kerala in India had the

monopoly in the production and export of lemongrass oil. The annual world production

of lemongrass oil is around 1000 t from an area of 16,000 ha. In India it is cultivated

in about 4000 ha and the annual production is around 250 t. The crop is extensively

cultivated in the poor, marginal and waste lands and also along the bunds as live

mulch. The well ramified root system of the plant helps in soil and water conservation.

24.2 Species and varieties......................................................................

Lemongrass belongs to the family Graminae (Poaceae) and the genus Cymbopogon.

Generally, three species are identified (Gupta, 1969; Chandra and Narayanan, 1971).

24.2.1 Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex Steud) Wats. (2n = 20, 40)

It is known as East Indian, Cochin or Malabar grass. C. flexuosus is a tufted robust

perennial grass of about 2 m height. The leaves are linear and lanceolate. It flowers

freely. The inflorescence is very large and highly branched terminal drooping panicle

bearing paired spikes on tertiary branches. The spikes bear spikelets in pairs of which

one is sessile and the other pedicellate. The sessile spikelet is an awned bisexual

floret whereas the pedicellate is an awnless staminate floret. Under this species two

varieties or types are identified based on the colour of the stem.

C. flexuosus var. flexuosus (red grass)

The stem and leaf sheath are reddish or purple in colour. It is recognized as the true

24 Lemongrass...............................................................................................

B. P. Skaria, P. P. Joy, S. Mathew and G. Mathew, Aromatic and

Medicinal Plants Research Centre, India

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