Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

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464 Handbook of herbs and spices

between 0.40–0.45%. Out of these, CIM Indus provides menthofuran rich oil, while

other varieties yield sweet smelling oil usually rich in menthol with a balanced

quantity of menthone, menthyl acetate and menthofuran.

The chromosomes in Mentha are of relatively small size, responsible for its wide

adaptability and world-wide distribution. Shehudka and Korneva (1980) used the seed

produced through free pollination of M. piperita, characterized by different degrees

of seed productivity and made selection of seedlings and clones with high essential

oil content (up to 4%) and menthol (up to 65%). Induction of variability through

physical and chemical mutagens has also been attempted by several workers. Only a

few mutants have reached the stage of advanced field testing. A broad-leafed natural

mutant in peppermint crop was identified in a population of Mitcham mint by Singh

et al. (1982), who found it to grow better under sub-tropical conditions in India.

Interspecific somatic hybridization by protoplast fusion was carried out between

M. piperita L. cv. Black mint and ginger mint (M. gentilis L. cv. Variegata). These

protoplasts divided to form calli under the conditions developed for peppermint

protoplast culture. Callus-derived shoots were grown to whole plants, and some with

intermediate character between the parental plants were tested for their volatile

constituents by gas chromatography. Among the four plants investigated, one had

three major volatile constituents, menthone, menthol and linalool (the major component

of ginger mint oil). Chromosome counts and random amplified polymorphic DNA

analysis indicated that it was an inter-specific somatic hybrid between two species

(Satoa et al., 1996).

Jullien et al. (1998) developed an efficient protocol for plant regeneration from

protoplasts of peppermint by stepwise optimization of first cell division, microcalli

formation and shoot differentiation. Transgenic peppermint plants were obtained by

using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer. Transgenic plants were

successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse (Diemera et al., 1998). Genetic

transformation of Mentha arvensis and M. piperita with the neomycine

phosphotransferase marker gene and a 4S-limonene synthase cDNA from M. spicata

led to the regeneration of 47 transformed plants. Quantitative and qualitative

modifications in monoterpene levels were observed in transgenic plants. Four M.

piperita transgenic plants contained higher levels of total monoterpenes, whereas

monoterpene levels were lower in two M. arvensis transgenic lines. In both M.

piperita and M. arvensis, transgenic lines, altered levels of compounds formed directly

from geranyl diphosphate such as cineole or ocimene and monoterpene end-products

such as pulegone or piperitone were observed (Diemera et al., 2001). These data

demonstrate the feasibility of modifying essential oil content by the introduction of

a cDNA encoding an enzyme involved in monoterpene metabolism.

In temperate conditions, a plantation lasts about four years, the best output being

the second year. The fourth-year crop is rarely good. A crop that yields a high

percentage of essential oil exhausts the ground as a rule, and after cropping with

peppermint for four years, the land must be put to some other purpose for at least

seven years. The monocultures of peppermint pose the potential hazards of continuous

cropping including eventual suppression of soil fertility, productivity, soil structure,

and microbial activity. Intercropping peppermint with soybean in Italy resulted in

yield and quality increases in the essential oil, compared to sole peppermint cultivation.

The yield was higher by about 50% on an equal land area basis and higher percentages

of menthol and lower percentages of menthofuran and menthyl acetate improved the

quality of the oil (Maffei and Mucciarelli, 2003). Peppermint is grown as an annual

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