Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Peppermint 465

crop in India. Depending upon nature of land and sub-soil water, a combination of

crop rotations and inter-cropping models are practised. The Maize-Lahi-Peppermint,

Maize-Potato-Peppermint, Late paddy-Peppermint, and Early paddy-Lahi-Peppermint

crop rotations have been found feasible and profitable for sub-tropical conditions.

28.3.3 Nutrient and water management

Peppermint, being a leafy crop, responds favourably to both organic and inorganic

fertilizers. Liberal manuring is essential, and the quantity and nature of the manure

has a great effect on the characteristics of the oil. Mineral salts are found to be of

much value. In the U.S.A., peppermint is given 150 kg N per ha at 60 days age

together with 50–80 kg of P 2 O 5 and potash (Guenther, 1961). Depending upon the

status of the soil fertility, a basal dose of 50–90 kg P 2 O 5 and 60–90 kg K 2 O should

be applied per ha at planting. Of the 120 kg N fertilizer, two-thirds is recommended

to be applied in early spring and one-third after the first harvest. Singh et al. (1978)

in Jammu and Bharadwaj et al. (1980) in H.P. found that peppermint crop responds

to high N levels such as 120–160 kg/ha. It was applied in three equal splits – at

planting, at 60 days age and after the first harvest.

Gupta and Gulati (1971) found that 80, 40 and 20 kg/ha of N, P and K produced

maximum herb yield in Tarai tract. Potash is particularly useful against a form of

chlorosis or ‘rust’ (Puccinia menthoe) due, apparently, to too much water in the soil,

as it often appears after moist, heavy weather in August, which causes the foliage to

drop off and leave the stems almost bare, in which circumstances the rust is liable to

attack the plants. In the south of France, sewage is extensively used, together with

Sesame seeds from which the oil has been expressed. The residues from the distillation

of the crop are invariably used as manure. Chemical fertilizers alone are equally

unsatisfactory in soils poor in organic matter, but they give excellent results in

conjunction with organic manures. Growth and terpene production of in vitro generated

M. piperita plants in response to inoculation with a leaf fungal endophyte were

characterized by Mucciarelli et al., 2003. The endophyte induced profound effects on

the growth of peppermint, which responded with taller plants bearing more expanded

leaves. The observed increase of leaf dry matter over leaf area suggested a real

improvement of peppermint metabolic and photosynthetic apparatus. A sustained

lowering of (+)-menthofuran and an increase of (+)-menthol percentage concentrations

were found in plants from both in vitro and pot cultures.

Peppermint requires frequent irrigation. It is important to keep the soil constantly

moist, although well drained. Absorption of water makes the shoots more tender, thus

facilitating cutting, and causes a large quantity of green matter to be produced.

Adequate and timely irrigation is necessary for obtaining high herb yield in drier sub-

tropical climates. The frequency of irrigation depends upon the soil texture and

weather conditions. Gupta and Gulati (1971) estimated through trials in Ta r a i region

that peppermint requires 8–10 irrigations of 2 acre inch of water per irrigation during

dry summer months till rain sets in. Randhawa et al. (1984) reported 5 cm depth of

irrigation at 60 mm of cumulative evaporation in Punjab as optimum for maximum

yield. Water logging should be avoided by ensuring adequate drainage of rain and

irrigation water.

In a study by Clark and Menary (1980), peppermint was harvested twice during

the growing season. The first harvest was conducted on 16 February 1979, and the

subsequent regrowth was harvested on 25 April 1979. High peppermint oil yields

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