Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Index 523

volatiles 184, 189, 191, 192
cardboard cartons 94
cardiovascular disease 126–37
chemical composition of herbs and spices
with role in 127–9
complex mixtures vs single compounds
herbs, spices and 129–32
cholesterol 130–1
metabolic effects of antioxidants 131–2
measurement of antioxidants 132–4
carene 351
carotenoids xxiv, xxv, 305–6, 457, 471–2
Carum carvi see caraway
carvacrol 157, 185, 208
carvone 179, 185
caraway 278, 279–80, 281, 282–3, 284
dill 198
spearmint 502, 514, 515, 516
caryophyllene 185
cassia 114, 119
volatiles 184, 189–92, 193–4
catechins 157–8
Catharanthus rosea (periwinkle) 145–7
cayenne 6, 7
see also Capsicum
celeriac 313–16
description 313
production 314–16
varieties 314
celery 317–36, 374–5
chemical structure 322–4
classification 318
cultivars 321–2
cultivation 319–21
description 318–19
functional properties 114, 119, 328–31
main uses in food processing 324–8
post-harvest handling 321
production and international trade 319
quality specifications 331–4
toxicity 331
celery salt 327–8
celery seed oil 317, 326–7, 333, 334, 335
celery seed vinegar 328
celery stalk products 325
cell wall hydrolases 266–7
cellulose films 95
cepharanone B 427
Certificate of Authenticity 109
certification of organic production 57–8
cervical cancer 138
chaff oil, caraway 283–4
chemical hazards 105

chemical sterilisation 82–3
chemical tests 415
chemicals: effects on mycotoxins 32
chemoprevention 142
chemotherapy 139
cherry tomatoes, marinated with lovage 447
chili xx, xxiii, 65, 66, 162
mycotoxins 6, 7
see also Capsicum
chili veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) 310
China 482, 486
Chinese ginger (Alpinia officinarum Hance)
357, 362
chives 114, 119, 337–46
botany and morphology 340–1
chemical composition and nutritional value
culture and production 341–2
post-harvest handling and uses in food
processing 342–3
varieties 343–4
cholesterol 130–1
leek 379
cineole 185, 360
cinnamaldehyde 185, 189–92
cinnamic acid-4-hydroxylase (C4H) 304
cinnamon 90, 92, 114, 119
cardiovascular disease 128–9
mycotoxins 8, 11, 17, 20
volatiles 184, 192–4, 195, 196
citral 409, 413
sodium bisulphite method 416
citrinin 31
citronellal 410
citronellol 179, 410
cleanup 26, 27, 44, 45
caper bush 233–4
Capsicum 308
carambola 260
caraway 272
celeriac 314
celery 319
chives 341
leeks 371
lemongrass 401–2
long pepper 431–2
lovage 443
peppermint 462–3
shallots 384
spearmint 504–5
clonal multiplication 434–5
clover 375
cloves 114, 119
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