Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

524 Index

volatiles 184, 194–7
CNS 488–9
coated films 95
cobalt-60 68
Cochin oil 400
see also lemongrass
Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods
coextruded films 96
coliforms 61, 62
colo-rectal cancer 138
Capsicum 302, 305–6
natural colours xxiv–xxv
turmeric xxv, 65, 66
complementary and alternative medicines
(CAM) 140–2
complex mixtures 134–5
compounded asafoetida 227
acceptance of packaging 93–4
trends driving innovation 86–7
contact dermatitis 489
contamination 74–85
decontamination techniques 80–2
detoxification 83–4
GAP, GMP, ISO 9000 and HACCP 79–80
harmful effects 74, 75
organic production 79
preventive measures 75–9
sterilisation 82–3
contract farming 49–54, 55
convenience 100
Cordyceps militaris 145
coriander xx
ground and packaging 89
medicinal properties of seed 114, 119
mycotoxins 8, 11, 17, 21
volatiles 184, 197–8
corn chowder with lovage 447
coumarins 280, 441, 442, 449
cranberry 158–9
cream of lovage soup 448
critical limits 106–7
crocins 164–5
Crocus sativa see saffron
crop rotations 507
cruciferous vegetables 143
cryo-grinding 282
cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) 310
cultivation 99
capers and caperberries 233–43
Capsicum 307–9, 310
carambola 260–3

caraway 272–7
celeriac 314–16
celery 319–21
chives 340–2
control of pesticide residues 49–54, 55, 56
galanga 348–9
galangal 359
leeks 370–8
lemon balm 392–4
lemongrass 401–6
long pepper 431–4
organic see organic production
pandan wangi 454–5
peppermint 461, 462–9
Perilla 484–6
potato onion 497–9
prevention of contamination 75–6
shallots 383–6
spearmint 504–9
cumin 90, 115, 119, 163
cardiovascular disease 128
mycotoxins 8, 11, 17, 23–4
volatiles 184, 198
Curcuma longa see turmeric
curcumene 186
curcumin xxv, 162
curry powder 8, 11–12
cuttings 237, 432, 454
citratus 401
flexuosus 400–1
pendulus 401
see also lemongrass
cymene 185

damping off 310
decarvonised oil 284
Declaration of Identity 109
decontamination techniques 64, 74–85
air separators 81
air tables 81
de-stoners 81
detoxification 83–4
indent separators 81
irradiation see irradiation
magnets 80
sifters 80
spiral gravity separators 81–2
sterilisation 82–3
dehydrated celery 325
deoxynivalenol (DON) 3, 5
control 31
see also mycotoxins
dermatitis 489
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