Index 525
de-stoners 81
determination and detection 26, 44
detoxification 83–4
deviation from standard procedures 107
devil’s claw 161–2
devil’s dung 226
see also asafoetida
diabetes 245–6
diatomaceous earth products 56
dietary supplements 42
digestive stimulants 152–4
dihydrobutylidenephthalide 440
dihydrocapsaicin 304
dill 115, 119
volatiles 184, 198–9
dillapiole 186
dimethyl allyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) 180,
181, 182
direct sample introduction for gas
chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry (DSI/GC/MS-MS) 49
diseases, plant
bio control agents xix, xx
caper bush 240–1
Capsicum 309, 310
carambola 263
caraway 275
celeriac 315
celery 320
chives 342
galanga 349
leeks 375–6
lemongrass 405
long pepper 433
lovage 444
peppermint 467
shallots 385–6
spearmint 510–11
distillation 406–7, 469
diterpene 1 361
Doremia ammoniacum 222–3
see also ushak
dried herbs and spices 87–8, 89–91
drugs, interactions with 166
dry soluble spices 93
drying 51, 54, 75
chives 342
pepper fruit 307
peppermint 469
prevention of mycotoxins 28
dyspepsia 286
EAN code 97–8
edible films 96–7
Egyptian food spices 12
EKO quality label 58
electrochemical detector 47
electron accelerators 69–70
electron beams 67, 68, 69
electron capture detector (ECD) 46
elemicin 186
elemol 410
ellagitannins 158
emulsions 92
encapsulation 93, 99
enteropathogens 154–9
Enteroplant 474
environmental impact assessment (EIA)
systems 43
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (US)
43–4, 55
enzyme inhibition 48
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) 350
Escherichia coli (E. coli) 61, 62
essences 92
essential oils xxv, xxvii, 118, 119–20
caraway 119, 278–9, 280, 282–3, 292
celery 119, 326–7, 333, 334
enteropathogens 159
galanga 351–2
lemon balm 396
lemongrass 400, 406–7, 409, 410, 413
functional properties 413–14
quality control 414–16
long pepper 424
lovage 439–41, 445
packaging and storage 87, 91–2
peppermint 120, 470, 473–4, 475–6
Perilla 486, 487
spearmint 513, 514, 515, 516
estradiol 144
estragole 185
ethyl cinnamate (EC) 351
ethylene dibromide (EDB) 64, 72
ethylene oxide (ETO) 64, 72, 82–3
ethylhydroxymethylfuranone (homofuraneol)
441, 442
eucalyptol 118, 188
eucalyptus 115, 119
eugenol 185, 192, 360
eugenyl acetate 185
European Spice Association (ESA)
Quality Minima for Herbs and Spices 41
specifications for celery seed 332
European Union (EU) 41–2
organic labels 57