Handbook of Herbs and Spices - Volume 3

(sharon) #1

Index 527

lemon balm 394–7
lemongrass 413–14
lovage 448–50
pandan wangi 458
peppermint 462
Perilla 488–90
spearmint 512–16
fungi see moulds

galanga 347–56
botany 347–8
chemistry 351–2
cultivation and production 348–9
functional properties 350–1
Kaempferia rotunda 353
tissue culture studies 349–50
uses 352–3
galangal 357–64
Alpinia calcarata 357, 363
Alpinia officinarum Hance 357, 362
botany 358
chemistry 358–9
functional properties 360–2
medicinal properties 360–1, 362
production 359
galangin 360, 361
galbanum 225, 226, 228
gamma rays 67
gamma irradiation plant 68–9
g-terpinene 185
Ganoderma lucidum 163, 165
garlic 89, 115, 117, 119
cardiovascular disease 129, 133, 134
garlic water 55
gas chromatography (GC) 26, 45–6
gastroenteritis 154–9
see also gut health
gene banks 434
gene therapy 140
Capsicum 305, 306
Perilla 483–4
spearmint 504
genotoxic activity 513
geranial 410
geraniol 179, 410
geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) 180–1, 182,
ginger xx, xxiii, 91, 92, 115, 119
cardiovascular disease 128, 132–3, 134
mycotoxins 8–9, 12, 17, 22
volatiles 184, 200–1, 202
gingo biloba 162
glass packaging 91, 94

glucocapparin 243
glucosinolates 143, 233
glutathione 5-transferase (GST) 289
good agricultural practices (GAP) 28, 79,
104–5, 107–8
levels of GAPs 106
good hygiene practices (GHP) 28
good manufacturing practices (GMP) 28, 41,
grading systems
capers 244
celery seeds 332
grafting 237, 261
grinding 88, 282
ground herbs and spices 89–91
caraway 282, 292
celery 327, 333
growing methods 369–70
growth promoters 159–61
experimental assays 160
mechanisms of action 160–1
guidelines for organic production xxi
gunny bags 89
gut health 151–76
adverse effects 165–6
anti-inflammatory activity 161–3
caraway 286
digestive stimulants 152–4
enteric bacterial pathogens 154–9
future trends 166–7
growth promoters in animal studies 159–61
gut immunity 163–5

half-life 68
Hall micro-electrolytic conductivity detector
(HECD) 46
Capsicum 309
carambola 263
caraway 275
celeriac 315–16
celery 320–1
chives 341
control of mycotoxins 28
galangal 359
leeks 377–8
lemon balm 393
lemongrass 406
long pepper 433
lovage 445–6
peppermint 468–9
Perilla 485
potato onion 498–9
prevention of contamination 75–6
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