(f; CRC; MAD); Lumbago (f; PH2); Nephrosis (f; CRC; MAD); Pain (f; MAD; PH2); Rabies
(f; MAD); Rheumatism (f; CRC; HHB); Scrofula (f; MAD); Splenosis (f; CRC; MAD); Stone
(1; MAD; PH2); Tumor (f; JLH); Wart (f; JLH); Water Retention (f; CRC; HHB; MAD); Wen
(f; CRC).
Dosages (Dyer’s Broom) — 2 tsp/day in hot tea (MAD); 1 tsp herb/cup, 1–2 cups/day (PHR;
PH2); tinctures used for gravel and stone (MAD).
Contraindications, Indications, and Side Effects (Dyer’s Broom) — Class 2b (AHP). “Hazards
and/or side effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Overdoses can cause
diarrhea (PH2). Not for use by pregnant women (PH2).
DYER’S WOAD (Isatis tinctoria L.) +
Activities (Dyers Woad) — Antiaggregant (1; X3416386); Antidermatophytic (1; X7367492);
Antifeedant (1; X8148009); Antileukemic (1; AKT); Antiaggregant (1; X3416386); Antiseptic (1;
AKT); Antipyretic (1; AKT; LMP); Fungicide (1; X7367492); Immunostimulant (1; AKT;
X1889106); Insecticide (1; X8148009); Termiticide (1; X8148009).
Indications (Dyers Woad) — Bacteria (f; DAA); Bronchosis (f; AKT); Cancer (1; AKT); Cervi-
cosis (f; DAA); Cystic Fibrosis (1; AKT; X8703440); Dermatosis (1; X7367492); Edema (f; DAA);
Fever (1; AKT; LMP); Flu (f; LMP); Fungus (1; X7367492); Hepatosis (1; ABS; AKT); Immun-
odepression (1; AKT; X1889106); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (1; AKT; X7367492); Laryngosis
(f; AKT); Leukemia (1; AKT); Measles (f; LMP); Meningosis (f; AKT); Mycosis (1; X7367492);
Parotosis (f; AKT); Pulmonosis (1; AKT; X8703440); Rash (f; DAA); Respirosis (f; AKT); Scarlet
Fever (f; AKT; LMP); Sore Throat (f; DAA); Splenosis (f; DAA); Staphylococcus (f; DAA);
Tonsilosis (f; AKT); Typhoid (f; LMP); Ulcer (f; WOI); Virus (1; AKT; DAA).
Dosages (Dyers Woad) — 2–3 g/day powdered leaf or root (AKT).
Contraindications, Indications, and Side Effects (Dyers Woad) — Class 1 (AHP). Not covered
(KOM; PH2).
DYSENTERY BARK (Simarouba glauca DC.) +
Activities (Dysentery Bark) — Amebicide (1; TRA); Astringent (1; AAB); Bronchoconstrictor
(1; TRA); Insecticide (1; TRA); Locusticide (1; TRA); Pediculoside (1; TRA); Stomachic (f; JFM);
Tonic (1; TRA).
Indications (Dysentery Bark) — Ameba (1; TRA); Bleeding (1; AAB); Dermatosis (f; TRA);
Diarrhea (1; AAB; JFM); Dysentery (1; AAB); Fever (f; JFM); Gastrosis (1; TRA); Itch (f; TRA);
Malaria (1; JFM; IED; TRA); Metrorrhagia (1; AAB); Pediculosis (f; TRA); Itch (f; TRA); Rash
(f; TRA); Salmonella (1; TRA); Scabies (1; TRA); Shigella (1; TRA); Sore (1; AAB); Ulcer (1;
Dosages (Dysentery Bark) — Mix 30 g powdered leaf with 65 ml coconut oil, gives enough for
10-day treatment (TRA); handful of bark in 3 cups water boiled 10 minutes as tea or bath (AAB);
15–60 drops 3 ×/day alcoholic tincture (steeped 15 days) for ameba.